Many women who end up getting abortions because of stigmatization of parenthood in general. People nowadays feel children are a nucence rather than a great thing. For the rare cases that women are impregnated through rape, it is still immoral to murder a child for the crimes of the father. For financial issues for parents it is always possible to put the child up for adoption, even if foster homes may be flawed, saving the child’s life is far better than killed. Most women who get abortions may not even know or fully understand the barbaric process of ripping a child limb by limb while it may have developed nerve endings (depending on how far along is the pregnancy) and be able to feel pain like any other human. Most abortions done are out of laziness of taking care of a child and the selfish sense of self-pride. The argument “my body my choice” is a weak statement to say the least. The unborn child is its own separate organism, reliant on the mother for survival. This doesn’t change even after birth because the children still need care after birth until they are adults. With that logic it would be ok to murder children after birth, obviously being illegal and despicable. The acceptance of abortion and the catering to the self has brought the need to only satisfy one’s self without the consideration of who it is harming in the process.
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