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Ovi aktivni korisnici stekli su napredno znanje o terminologiji, povijesti i pravnim implikacijama u vezi s temom Imigracija


 @69YHS iz North Carolina  odgovoreno…4 god4Y

They should be treated as refugees seeking political asylum and be monitored for criminal activity while giving them opportunity to work in the US

 @GPYGV8 iz Ohio  odgovoreno…4 god4Y

There should be a pathway to citizenship for all, especially if brought here against their will

 @LMDSCQ iz Pennsylvania  odgovoreno…4 god4Y

No, they need to come to America on a certified passport/green card and be able to speak English.

 @GKLJRL iz Colorado  odgovoreno…4 god4Y

The children of course, it is not their fault they are here. Anyone else should have to undergo a procedure to become a citizen but that doesn't mean deny them access. Last I remember, America is a country built by immigrants, we should not view them with hostility just because they didn't migrate here when our ancestors did.

 @MRYML8 iz Kansas  odgovoreno…4 god4Y

They should be deported and children born here should not be legal citizens. Boarder protection must increase and shot on the spot if caught.

 @NB659X iz Ohio  odgovoreno…4 god4Y

If they are born here they are citizens, however their parents may be deported as they have committed a crime entering the country illegally. They may apply for citizenship once they have returned to their native country. The child may stay or go and retain citizenship.

 @LWVDHL iz New Jersey  odgovoreno…4 god4Y

Only if they have lived in the US their entire lives and have not lived in the parent's home land.

 @N9ZSVC iz California  odgovoreno…4 god4Y

When you cross into our border you are illegal and all your children born here are illegal like YOU! they should not be citizens. congress needs to change the law and do it NOW and date in back years!

 @LX72TP iz Massachusetts  odgovoreno…4 god4Y

Yes, children born within the borders of the U.S. must be citizens under the text of the Constitution.

 @LWRDMD iz Florida  odgovoreno…4 god4Y

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Kako bi se tvoj život promijenio ako bi sutra morao/la preseliti u drugu zemlju?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Koje tradicije iz drugih kultura biste željeli da su češće prisutne u vašoj vlastitoj zajednici?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Jeste li ikada osjećali kao stranac? Opišite to iskustvo.

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Zašto mislite da ljudi strahuju od onih iz drugih zemalja, i kako možemo to prevladati?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Ako biste mogli riješiti jedan problem s kojim se suočavaju imigranti danas, koji bi to bio i zašto?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Kako jezične barijere oblikuju našu percepciju drugih?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Što za vas znači izraz 'melting pot' u kontekstu kulturne raznolikosti?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Kako je netko iz drugačijeg okruženja pozitivno utjecao na vaš život?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Možete li se sjetiti vremena kada je učenje o drugoj kulturi promijenilo vašu perspektivu?

 @ISIDEWITHpitao…5 mjeseci5MO

Na koje načine smatrate da imigranti doprinose društvu na načine koji često prolaze nezapaženo?