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 @9SM3DG3de Maine  répondu…5 mois5MO

Je suis favorable à un système de santé permettant un équilibre entre rendement économique des instituts de santé et une assurance maladie nationale.

 @8TXVPKPConstitutionde Maine  répondu…3 ans3Y

Les dépenses de santés devraient êtres gérés par des caisses de syndicats mixtes pour éviter la manipulation politique ou la marchandisation de la santé.

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…1 an1Y

Quel changement proposeriez-vous au système de santé en fonction de vos propres expériences ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…1 an1Y

Selon vous, quel est l’impact des coûts des soins de santé sur les finances et la vie quotidienne d’une famille ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…1 an1Y

Pouvez-vous partager une histoire dans laquelle la couverture santé (ou son absence) a fait une différence significative dans la vie d’une personne ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…1 an1Y

Pourquoi pensez-vous que les soins de santé sont souvent un sujet de division entre des personnes issues de milieux différents ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…1 an1Y

Selon vous, quels sont les défis de l’assurance maladie pour les jeunes adultes qui sortent de la couverture de leurs parents ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…1 an1Y

Pensez-vous que votre santé et votre bien-être personnels sont suffisamment protégés dans le cadre du système de santé actuel ?

 @HWXDS9 de Illinois  répondu…4 ans4Y

 @JQ9R4Y de New York  répondu…4 ans4Y

I support the intention but feel the Republicans gutted the universal nature of it and I think insurance companies should get out of the business of health insurance entirely.

 @HYZ3HQ de Ohio  répondu…4 ans4Y

The ACA is an ineffective substitute for more robust reform, and does nothing to address the underlying problems associated with using collective risk mechanics to handle health care.

 @NMFLDK de Utah  répondu…4 ans4Y

No. whats affordable about it. This isn't the answer. It did not solve the problems that Obama claims it will and it likely never will. Things will only get worse.

 @NMKM2X de Washington  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, the healthcare should be turned completely over. Drug companies, and doctors who are for-profit are to blame for our healthcare issues.

 @NMMQQN de Texas  répondu…4 ans4Y

The only aspect of the Affordable Care Act that I support is protecting people from being denied coverage due to pre-existing conditions.

 @NMY7CM de Texas  répondu…4 ans4Y

An overhaul of the insurance industry needs to be forced. The US pays more per person for healthcare than any other leading nation and get less/worse care for every dollar spent

 @NMZTVL de Kansas  répondu…4 ans4Y

 @NNBFPK de Texas  répondu…4 ans4Y

I agree with several aspects, but overwhelmingly disagree with others. As a spouse of one working in for a major health care provider, I'm aware of how all of Obama's backpedaling is screwing up something that wasn't fully prepared to be launched.

 @HSYB26 de Florida  répondu…4 ans4Y

I don't believe this ACA is the answer. The answer is getting after the insurance companies so that people can make their own choices at a reasonable price.

 @HVR83F de South Carolina  répondu…4 ans4Y

Make insurance companies non-profit and allow doctors to determine the best course of treatment not box checkers in order to get paid.

 @N2PKXM de California  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, I think we need to allow the free market to decide this. I also think that we shouldn't allow insurers to cover anything other than catastrophic care and prescription drugs, let the actual hospitals and other providers of medical goods decide the pricing and such.

 @HTK5LV de Washington  répondu…4 ans4Y

Consumers should be free to import pharmaceuticals. Insurers should be allowed to compete to drive down costs. Incentives should be provided by insurers to medical systems for good care, without all kinds of unnecessary tests just to cover against lawsuits. Tort law regarding pain and suffering should be changed to cap settlements. Do not support Obamacare--adds many unnecessary levels of bureaucracy and therefore taxpayer expense.

 @HVNCS2 de Connecticut  répondu…4 ans4Y

 @KZLFHT de Colorado  répondu…4 ans4Y

No. Health cost should be addressed not the requirement everyone must have insurance...i mean why does it cost $60 for two tylenol when i got the bill after waking up in the hospital.

 @KZTMZN de Florida  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, not enough cost reducing in the plan. Mandate limits on what hospitals can upcharge a non medicare/medicaid patient, to what they charge someone with insurance of without. Ex. If medicare pays only 5 dollars for an xray, then the hospital can only up charge up to 300%.

 @NS5J26 de Iowa  répondu…4 ans4Y

Obamacare is not the solution. We need to stop hospitals and physicians from over treating and overcharging patients. These huge nonprofit entities are literally raking in millions. A simple blood test should not cost $450. Patients should know up front what the costs will be before testing is done. Drug manufacturers should not be allowed to make minor changes to a drug delivery system and roll it out as a new drug. We need to simplify medicine rather than continue to grow government intervention. Insurance companies should not be allowed to deny claims on superficial differences in interpretation. Physicians should not be paid on production. This encourages them to order additional testing, increase visits, etc.

 @NSFLY9 de Ohio  répondu…4 ans4Y

Yes, I support it. it is an important step in the right direction. The United States, hopefully sooner than later, needs to invest in a true national healthcare system. One that encourages innovation with a focus on quality of care, rather than motivation based on dollars. We fight so hard for the rights on the unborn, yet fail to see the value of providing free comprehensive healthcare for ourselves.

 @NFNRB8 de Arizona  répondu…4 ans4Y

I think the US should provide Medicare to every US Citizen and allow Insurance Companies to offer plans similar to the Medicare Advantage plans that people could choose as an option. Businesses could choose to pay their employees additional costs of a richer plan as an incentive to attract workers or provide Flex dollars but people would still choose their plan. The Government should be allowed to negotiate pricing the same as any other Insurance Company.

 @KZVWY8 de Washington  répondu…4 ans4Y

Government should not be involved in heath care except to prevent monopolistic practices. Repeal the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act; no mandates that hospitals provide treatment. Make people more responsible for their basic health care; allow insurance companies to charge more for those that refuse to have more healthy lifestyles (higher rates for over-eaters, smokers, etc.)

 @KZW5YY de Minnesota  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, I agree with affordable healthcare for everyone, but people should not have to pay fro it if they don't want to. Also, I don't agree with some parts of the act.

 @K29P2T de Washington D.C.  répondu…4 ans4Y

I prefer that healthcare is socialized so we don't pay insurance companies billions of dollars, instead the money pays the hospital bills.

 @J499HJ de Kansas  répondu…4 ans4Y

I believe that this could have been a product of both parties and one that took the time needed to cover all aspects. We needed to have voted on having an affordable care act period and then proceeded with creating one that works. This was a disaster and all about politics. Horrible because it is needed

 @K2B5BJ de Minnesota  répondu…4 ans4Y

Obamacare is not perfect. But if those in washington would sit down and talk, about this issue maybe we would have the best plan in the world. But actually I am not sure why the american citizen cannot buy into the program that our senators and representatives have in washington. WE pay for it anyway

 @J3N8X6 de California  répondu…4 ans4Y

I support the ideal that everyone should have healthcare but you have to be lacking in intelligence to not see that the consequence of this legislature has had a negative impact on the monthly bills for a lot of middle class up families as individual providers have raised their prices significantly for healthy subscribers. That said, those previous locked out should be allowed in but don't call it "affordable" when it made healthcare more expensive for so many people. It should be up to the individual to determine what is affordable.

 @NVGVJM de Illinois  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, open the markets so insurers can compete across state lines and drive down costs; The government should not be involved in the medical business save for light regulations as prescribed by the Constitution; thus it is a state issue based upon the 10th Amendment

 @KFKJNF de California  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, the entire thing is a joke. Shoving ridiculous insurance requirements down the public's throat. If we are required to pay for it then all of congress and politician's should be required to pay as well.

 @NTLJL7 de Kansas  répondu…4 ans4Y

I would like to see the free market regulate the outlandish cost of medical care. Why does a MRI cost me $1500 in the US, other countries can do it for $90. And I don't need a team of doctors to read the thing for me. Make health care more affordable, no real reason it should cost as much as it does.

 @NVSM3W de Oklahoma  répondu…4 ans4Y

Make it single payer state level, revenue from a sales tax, no insurance companies, no one else should be involved in a person's health choices, all charges from providers should be public and posted, everyone charged the same price for the same procedure at the same institution, all medical services and drugs should be non-profit, medical supply/devices for profit in order for competition. Obscene to profit on illness, it makes management of conditions the most profitable and cures the least profitable. STOP KILLING US SLOWLY so investors make the most money off of bankrupting the people.

 @NTR3G5 de North Carolina  répondu…4 ans4Y

Although I initially thought it was a great idea, it is turning into a nightmare for uninsured individuals. It is more expensive than promised, you can't keep your doctor as promised. Needs a massive amount of study and changes before it will be viable and give our citizens what they were promised.

 @LMZQY5 de North Carolina  répondu…4 ans4Y

We should allow healthcare as a right to all citizens, free of charge, like other countries do such as Sweden and Switzerland.

 @NW2BMP de Ohio  répondu…4 ans4Y

look its a fkn joke also we can have health care for all .and heres how you fund it. 3 to 5%sales tax on all heath and beauty products from toothpaste to tampons, perfumes all of it do the math and you will see that it works out in 3 to 5 years every thing is paid for we are to vane to stink and not look good..
and no more tax breaks for any corp or company flat tax of 10%

 @NT2B4S de West Virginia  répondu…4 ans4Y

No... because the people who designed it have no clue about how to run anything... TORT reform, capping payouts for malpractice, asking the top CEOS of the Pharmecutical companies, the hospitals, the insurance companies to come up with a plan that they think would be most beneficial to resolve this challenge; NotNnancy Self Aggrandizer Pelosi and her cohorts who have ruined the state of California and are about to ruin the whole country as well...

 @NWHNPT de Florida  répondu…4 ans4Y

Health Care Availability is essential to the successful conduct of Business and Commerce in each state and every other-legal sub division of the country. The Affordable Care Act is the first step in providing Health Care Availability at Reasonable costs. this will improve productivity and increase our competiveness and reduce costs.

 @KYJTVR de Nebraska  répondu…4 ans4Y

 @J68YXR de Virginia  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, open the markets so insurers can compete across state lines and drive down costs. Also, put limits on mal-practice claims. Limit the amount that medical providers can charge for supplies (there's no reason that a patient should be charged $6.00 for an Tylenol, for instance.) Provide more government funding for free or reduced care clinics and allow new practitioners to work in these clinics at a reduced rate of pay in exchange for repayment of student loans for medical school. Do not allow Medicaid recipients to use ER for care for non life threatening illnesses. Allow individuals to decide what is the best insurance coverage for themselves.

 @J6SPVZ de Indiana  répondu…4 ans4Y

A comprehensive program that includes some portions of the ACA along with opening the insurance markets and some level of Tort reform is necessary

 @J6TR6H de Indiana  répondu…4 ans4Y

 @J6YGZG de Ohio  répondu…4 ans4Y

There are some things that are good such as no preexisting conditions and everyone should have health care. However that is it that is good.

 @J6ZJ23 de Alabama  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, the government should expand medicaid and make it available to workers whose employers don't offer employee coverage

 @KXZ8TT de Kansas  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, but insurance costs are out of control and we must focus on torte reform, restructuring industry regulations and opening the markets for interstate competition between insurance companies.

 @KJ3XZP de California  répondu…4 ans4Y

I feel like the insurance companies ARE the problem. Go after them and hold THEM accountable for the inadequacies in the health care system. There is no reason for medical care to cost so much. The FDA position of raising the cost of prescription pain meds and making them MORE difficult for people who really need them to get them to allegedly stop pain pill abuse penalizes the wrong people. Drug abusers already break the law to get them. Most old or handicapped people are accountable for every pill they are prescribed and take. It is bad enough to just bad enough to need them. Now they are unaffordable and more difficult for us who need them to get them, and tho make us feel like dope addicts too. ridiculous. And it isn't about control AT all. It is about money. as always.

 @KK9Z6H de North Carolina  répondu…4 ans4Y

Giving an indigent treatment at a top 50 hospital that charges the highest rates is akin to taking a homeless person to a Ruth's Chris. Let's return to a subsidized clinic system, paid education in exchange for service for the doctors and nurses, surpluses and samples from drug companies, and tort reform reducing malpractice. It can be done for a fraction of the ACA.

 @2HVXD53de California  répondu…4 ans4Y

Healthcare should be afforded to all without high costs premiums or copays. The affordability of healthcare in the US is outrageous, all employers should provide free healthcare to their employees and insurance companies shouldn't be allowed to change so much to companies. There should be caps put on insurance companies and pharmaceuticals should be sold at decent costs, considering medicaid can be made for pennies.

 @LSTBTJ de North Carolina  répondu…4 ans4Y

We need Universal health care like Germany, Canada and England. Too many people are having to do with out and Obamacare is not enough. It will allow the insurance companies to stick it to the people with higher costs. Insurance companies are nothing but legalized thieves.

 @KXQNCD de Massachusetts  répondu…4 ans4Y

 @LPZS6B de North Carolina  répondu…4 ans4Y

The entire Health Care system needs to completely revolutionize. We have the technology to keep everyone alive and well. Take capitialism out of it completely and introduce a new system that is technology driven.

 @KGK49T de Pennsylvania  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, Obamacare to sweeping. Institute tort reform, allow purchase across state lines and legislate individual items such as pre-existing conditions

 @2HW2YMFde Florida  répondu…4 ans4Y

No. I know many more people who lost coverage they had (and could afford) than were able to get affordable insurance. But getting rid of Obamacare now would bad because all the companies that used to cover their employees (that don't now) wouldn't cover their employees again. This cause even more people to lose coverage.

 @NNRPXQ de New Mexico  répondu…4 ans4Y

The penalty fee should be abolished if one can't sign up. If someone isn't working, how can they get health insurance let alone pay the penalty fee? As a single person, I would have to pay close to $150.00 a month for health insurance. That's a lot of money if your only getting minimum wage. It's impossible to pay a high premium when there's the other cost of living to contend with on a small wage.

 @NNXSF4 de Virginia  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, but work with the states to first look at ways to assure access to treatment for immediate life threatening medical events and communicable disease, and then look at ways to make affordable preventative care and elective care - including requirements for transparency in pricing and balancing the way doctors, hospitals, insurance companies and employers/other collective purchasers such that competitive market principals are at play. Note: the key metric should be access to treatment - not insurance - insurance is but one solution path.

 @NXM64B de California  répondu…4 ans4Y

I believe the health care system is in need of reform, but the Affordable Care Act puts the insurance business and the federal beurocracy in front of the patient/doctor relationship. There must be something done regarding coverage for pre existing conditions, and an affordable policy for the poor, but the current plan is neither affordable nor efficient.

 @NXY9D7 de Arizona  répondu…4 ans4Y

Regardless, US citizens wouldn't be so dependent on insurance companies if healthcare/medical products in general weren't so absurdly over-priced.

 @NR3XBL de Georgia  répondu…4 ans4Y

We need an affordable care act. The old system didn't work. But to pass legislation this important and expensive without evaluation, testing and review was a monstrous breach of fiduciary duty by Congress. With all we've spent fixing it, we can't walk away, but every congressman who voted for it should be impeached.

 @NYHYJW de Texas  répondu…4 ans4Y

There should be a better system for health care for those who can not afford it. But it should not interfere with the medical business, other people's private insurance, and definitely should not be run by the government who cannot even keep control over its own finances. Government should create incentives to private companies to develop affordable health care programs by giving tax breaks.

 @NPR2BF de South Carolina  répondu…4 ans4Y

The private insurance companies should have been left alone. What should have been done is instiute a FEDERAL medicaid system (instead of the state one we currently have) that would allow people who can't afford the insurance and also the ones with preexisting conditions to get medical treatment. This system would be much like the ones in the European countries unlike what Obama and his team have come up with.

 @NZJ4ZX de Illinois  répondu…4 ans4Y

Yes and proudly, now that we have it we need to tweak it and make it better. This has been one of the greatest acts in the history of our country and I respect President Obama and Nancy Pelosi and the Congress that voted it in.

 @NR7YHR de North Carolina  répondu…4 ans4Y

It should not be obligatory for citizens to have health insurance. It is fine for the government to offer and support health insurance programs, but to suppose that all citizens want to be treated, when sick, by the "modern medical-industrial complex" is false.

 @NR9R4G de Arizona  répondu…4 ans4Y

We need better regulations of the insurance industry. We need INSURANCE reform, not "healthcare reform." We need to allow the self employed and small businesses to have access to the same rates and level of care covered by insurance as corporations, big business and government employees.

 @NQDYKF de Illinois  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, open the markets so insurers can compete across state lines and drive down costs, address tort reform and consider individuals to purchase drugs from countries such as Canada.

 @P265NH de Texas  répondu…4 ans4Y

I do not understand it enough to make a judgement. Everyone should be able to have health insurance. But not everybody can afford it. Not everyone qualifies for Medicare. From what I have experienced over the years with Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, there are too many flaws that should be corrected. I have been abused by the system. At ag3 73, I have been fighting the system since 1988. Is that fair?

 @NWTCCL de Alabama  répondu…4 ans4Y

they need to regulate the medical charges so they are not so high. and all people should be able to have insurance no matter how much money they have poor need health care also. use taxes to pay for it. It should be a flat rate per person per house hold and insurance companys should not be able to say you can't have a medicine or procedure that a doctor has ordered.

 @HMHLXD de Michigan  répondu…4 ans4Y

 @MFVP99 de Washington  répondu…4 ans4Y

Encourage Health Care Savings 401K plans and low cost high deductible Insurance for catastrophic illness. Have a safety net for the truly poor and very ill. Nobody should be paying high Co-pays just to go to a family doctor.

 @MFYR8F de Ohio  répondu…4 ans4Y

No I think this is the worst thing that the government has ever done. I'm in school now for healthcare administration and I can see how this will and could single handed distroy our country

 @KZWSJ8 de Kentucky  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, insurance in principle dissociates the buyer from the service rendered and impedes self regulation of a free market.

 @NRFC56 de Missouri  répondu…4 ans4Y

Once again, hell to the no. I can't even begin to explain how terrible of an idea the "Affordable Care act is." It's NOT affordable, Obama doesn't care, and it's all an act.

 @NVW2N3 de Kentucky  répondu…4 ans4Y

The medical profession should be controled to prevent the system that now exists from createing a disaster. Now the Doctors receive kickbaks from drug manufacturers and hospitals for providing business. The insurance policies are exploited by the patients with chronic illness and used to provide a haven from the world without real need being exhibited (Hypochondriacs fill our hospital beds.

 @HWC86H de Florida  répondu…4 ans4Y

Saying the cost of insurance would go down and the uninsurable with expensive pre-existing conditions would be covered was a huge big lie from the beginning. They will increase the cost to others substantially. They should not have been included and the mandatory coverage should have started with younger people and expanded to the entire population over time so that the cost would not become exorbitant.

 @NW3XJG de Illinois  répondu…4 ans4Y

Medicare for all with the option to purchase supplemental private coverage for those well off enough to afford it. At 3% administrative overhead under Medicare versus as much as 20% or more administrative overhead under private insurers and given medical care consumes approximately 17% of GDP the savings would translate into access to basic care presently unavailable to many and improved care for those gainfully employed.

 @NX48YN de Iowa  répondu…4 ans4Y

I believe some competition should remain in existence. While I don't agree with ALL aspects of the Act, I do believe that insurance reform is not enough. There must be some type of negotiation with medical equipment providers, pharmaceutical companies, and hospital corporations to reduce costs on that end.

 @HWW6FK de Texas  répondu…4 ans4Y

Increase transparency for bottom line costs to patients driving actual competition to keep costs low. Make hospitals compete for your business.

 @2JMMXBNde Utah  répondu…4 ans4Y

We got screwed, we should have had a single payer system. Our pharmaceuticals are off the charts, and should not cost us as much as they do, and our health care cost are the same, the whole system needs to be revamped, and it's part and parcel of big business running things.

 @NS4R96 de Michigan  répondu…4 ans4Y

Medical costs should be controlled - not by putting the cost on the individual. So long as the product, medical care, can be as costly as the hospital wants it to be, with no one questioning it, the individual will continue to pay more and more. It is a insult to me to say health care is affordable. It is not.

 @NMZ2RR de Georgia  répondu…4 ans4Y

Get rid of obamacare it is illegal to force people to buy something they donot want. And start honoring the orignal constitution of the United States of America which you are not doing.

 @2JLG52Bde Florida  répondu…4 ans4Y

Yes, but they need to help to make the cost much lower... For example my coverage gets an $8 discount and is $250 a month with that discount. I am in the lower class scale an i can no longer afford to have insurance, which is the first time in 6yrs. I have to have insurance due to sever athsma an can no longer get my meds or see my doctor now since they increased prices on plans due to the A. C. A changes

 @2JMM5HZIndépendantde Washington  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, require pharmaceutical companies to repay product development tax subsidies (R&D expense deductions) or reduce the cost of the drug to a government set level.

 @LSLSFL de Kentucky  répondu…4 ans4Y

No, I don't. Insurance should be non-profit co-ops, not something with multi- million dollar salaried CEO's and share holders.

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…1 an1Y

Comment la notion de « santé en tant que droit humain » s’intègre-t-elle dans votre vision de la réglementation des soins de santé ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…1 an1Y

Avez-vous remarqué des différences dans la qualité des services de santé en fonction de la couverture d’assurance, et quelles étaient-elles ?

 @ISIDEWITHa demandé…1 an1Y

Si vous pouviez concevoir un système de santé à partir de zéro, quelle serait la première fonctionnalité que vous incluriez ?


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