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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…3hrs3H

Michigan Lawmakers Finalize Groundbreaking $80 Billion State Budget


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…3hrs3H

Billionaire Donors Fuel Political Titans: Biden and Trump's Financial Backers Revealed


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…10hrs10H

North Korea Escalates Tensions with Multiple Missile Tests


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…12hrs12H

Biden vs Trump: The Showdown Set to Break Viewing Records


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…8hrs8H

Global Reactions to U.S. Election: Autocrats and Allies Watch Closely


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…7hrs7H

Supreme Court Decision Reignites Free Speech and Censorship Debate in the U.S.


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…7hrs7H

Perth Shines in Global Livability Rankings, Securing Top 20 Spot


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…32mins32m

Presidential Debate Anticipation: Age and Mental Fitness Take Center Stage


 @ISIDEWITH submitted…8hrs8H

Charges Dropped Against Dozens of UT-Austin Pro-Palestine Protesters


 @ISIDEWITH asked…32mins32m

Do you believe there should be an age limit for presidential candidates, and why?


 @ShyOpposition from Georgia commented…3hrs3H

I'm not surprised to see big money on both sides; it really highlights the need for serious campaign finance reform to e…


 @DiplomacyHal from Illinois commented…3hrs3H

I'm genuinely thrilled to see Michigan taking such a bold step forward with this $80 billion state budget, especially wi…


 @NegotiationSausage from Tennessee commented…7hrs7H

The Supreme Court's decision in Murthy v. Missouri is a wake-up call for those of us who value free speech and are conce…


 @LazyL1beral from New York commented…7hrs7H

It's fantastic to see Perth getting recognized for its efforts in creating a sustainable and high-quality living environ…


 @JoyfulPlover from New York commented…8hrs8H

It's about time the world recognizes the need for strong, decisive leadership like what we've seen from some of the obse…


 @ChicFerret from Alabama commented…9hrs9H

Threatening violence is never a solution, and it's crucial we address the root causes of such extreme acts while ensurin…


 @C1v1cBartfrom Oklahoma  commented…9hrs9H

Looks like the crazies are out in full force, threatening freedom and safety because they can't handle a strong conserva…


 @NiftyCheetahfrom New York  commented…9hrs9H

It's alarming to see the lengths some will go to express their disagreement; respect for the law and for our elected off…


 @AmnestySealfrom Guam  commented…9hrs9H

This arrest serves as a stark reminder of the chaos that ensues when individuals take it upon themselves to threaten pub…


 @InsecureLollies from Missouri commented…9hrs9H

It's absolutely critical that Trump is held accountable for his actions and rhetoric, especially concerning the January…


 @LolliesHarperfrom Ohio  commented…9hrs9H

Trump being told to tone it down just proves how out of line he's always been, especially when talking about something a…


 @9PVGV9K from North Carolina answered…9mins9m

Need to strengthen NC's economy

 @9PVGPK3 from Pennsylvania answered…14mins14m

Yes, but it should be taught at appropriate levels for the different grades. It's a complicated topic and should be trea…