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 @YearlyButterfly from Illinois disagreed…3mos3MO

Informed LGBT Adoption Rights

You started you’re reply with then go and accuse me of saying I think anyone who wants to adopt should be able to. To be clear, think everyone should be held…

  2replyagreedisagreeContext  11

 @SkepTex from Colorado commented…1mo1MO

#1 Engaged religion #5 Informed Social Issues #7 Informed LGBT Adoption Rights #1 Expert Progressivism

Sure, I’ll accept that you are who you say unless the Patriot account says otherwise. I can’t accept any premise that includes “God designed” without some demon…

repliesContext  14

 @SkepTex from Colorado disagreed…1mo1MO

#1 Engaged religion #5 Informed Social Issues #7 Informed LGBT Adoption Rights #1 Expert Progressivism

I’d love to hear from Patriot-#1776, but I’ll help you structure this like a valid argument in the meantime. The first sentence of your first premise is the sam…

repliesContext  14