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707 Replies

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Cases of rape and incest should result in abortion, but if the mother is financially stable then the baby should be born

 @9GQMBHC from New York  disagreed…1yr1Y

The pregnant person should ALWAYS have the right to choose, regardless of the situation, but especially deserves the right to abortion in the case of rape.

 @9GQQBWVDemocrat from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

It should first and foremost be the mother's choice. If she does not want or did not plan for a baby, then she should not be forced to carry it to term. Being financially stable does not mean you are prepared for or want a child.

 @9GR8XN7 from Iowa  disagreed…1yr1Y

The mother should be able to decide to keep or abort the baby, regardless of her financial situation

 @9GQQQ6V from North Carolina  disagreed…1yr1Y

Its the womens decision on what she wants done to her body if it was or wasn't a cases of rape and incest .

 @9GKFN3Y  from California  agreed…1yr1Y

Pro-life unless the victim was raped or if its a danger to the mother or child because if you knew the consequences between having sex and conceiving a child then you need to follow through with it. And its not the babies fault you are irresponsible

 @9GL7WK2 from Massachusetts  disagreed…1yr1Y

While it may not be the baby's fault that they were conceived, regardless of how or why, it will inevitably affect their childhood and treatment once they are born. If a woman is being forced to have a child, if she is confident in the fact that she would be an unfit mother or is in an unfit situation to give birth to and raise a child, the child's life under this mother's care will be substantially worse than a child who was wanted and loved from the beginning. If the mother chooses to put the child up for adoption, the child is still entered into a corrupt system of foster…  Read more

 @9GKTD78 from Pennsylvania  disagreed…1yr1Y

It's quite possible (and easy) to have protected sex and still get pregnant; condoms fail 13% of the time and birth control fails 9% of the time. So chalking it up to irresponsibility is dismissive and ignorant. And aside from that, prioritizing the rights of a glorified tumor over that of a mature human being is very backward logic.

 @9GLBVPZRepublican from Missouri  disagreed…1yr1Y

Not everyone has the resources needed to prevent an unwanted pregnancy and as well as this accidents just happen sometimes. How good is the life of that unwanted child really going to be? Plenty of people neglect and mistreat children that they didn't want and the foster care system isn't much better. People should not be forced to birth children they don't want.

 @9GM92NH from Ohio  disagreed…1yr1Y

In America there is not enough education to prevent pregnancy and people glorify children like everyone wants them and every female needs them. Maybe if we could get free birth control or better education on sex then there would be no reason for abortions.

 @9FP59FN  from California  agreed…1yr1Y

if it is a rape baby the victim should not be lead to keep the baby that is very traumatizing to the victim no one should go through that

 @9FPBFGQ from New York  agreed…1yr1Y

I do agree, there are some instances where abortion is acceptable, like rape. But if you accidentally concieved a baby and don't want it, you should not have the option to abort it.

 @9FPBFB9 from Minnesota  disagreed…1yr1Y

That it should be up to the mother if she wants to keep the baby or not specially in that circumstances.

 @9GHPVK2  from Kansas  agreed…1yr1Y

Abortion should be illegal under certain circumstances. If you have been raped, the child is a product of incest, you are not financially able to care for the child, or if giving birth can risk the mother or child’s life then they can have an abortion.

 @9GHRL4KLibertarian from Utah  disagreed…1yr1Y

Abortion should always be legal. The persons who's body it is should have complete and total control. We should worry more about the starving kids that already live here than the ones who aren't born yet.

 @9GTMQ8Y  from Massachusetts  agreed…1yr1Y

I believe that a fetus is a human with a determined fate/future from conception, and that abortions should only be done in cases that it's absolutely necessary for the pregnant persons' life is in danger. And should be considered murder if the procedure is preformed under any other circumstances, abortions should not be done past the 10 week mark.

 @9GTQY24 from Illinois  disagreed…1yr1Y

A fetus’ heart is not fully developed and beating until 17-20 weeks, while the sounds of early “heartbeats” are heard, they are actually electric pulses. I believe fully in abortions done before the 17-20 week mark and I don’t think they should even be in the same area as murder. That being said, doctors who do not believe in abortions should not have to perform them as we should respect people who don’t support abortions the same we expect to respect those who do.

 @9GTPL5M  from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

A person cannot be forced to give birth to a baby that they either do not want or are not able to take care of. Giving birth to a baby is only the choice of a mother. The United States is growing increasingly more overpopulated, so there should be no concern to add as many possible births to our country.

 @9GTR4MG from Missouri  disagreed…1yr1Y

I do not think fetuses that are unborn are living human beings. They are still growing and developing. If I were to birth out a 9 week old baby, it wouldn’t function, it wouldn’t be able to be characterized as I human because it is not done growing and forming yet. Therefore, I think abortions should be legal to anyone who wants one at any time during pregnancy as long as the abortion wouldn’t hurt the mother.

 @9GTYWHK from Arizona  disagreed…1yr1Y

I believe that women should be allowed to have abortions up to the 16-week mark of their pregnancy. Any woman who doesn't feel capable of being a mother shouldn't be forced to have a child. From when a woman finds out they are pregnant before 16 weeks there isn't a baby formed yet it can't feel or hear or talk it's a spec.

 @9GYJKRTConstitution  from South Carolina  agreed…1yr1Y

Cases of rape and incest should allow for abortions. Underage minors should be able to have abortions. Legal adults who consented should not be allowed an abortion.

 @9GYQ2J8 from Washington  disagreed…1yr1Y

Anybody should be allowed an abortion. In cases of rape, Incest, minors, or simply for health, anybody should be able to have one.

 @9GYPXDG from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think that any woman that is able to conceive a baby should have the choice to not have the baby I don’t see it as a life unless it’s born bc there is no consciousness in the womb


I think everyone should have the ability to get an abortion if they want or need one. If you otherwise your a bozo

 @9GYQRKSIndependent from Washington  disagreed…1yr1Y

I feel as though they should within regulation as if it is a healthy pregnancy beyond 28 weeks and they have the proper means to properly take care of the child they should keep it. In cases where they would not be able to properly care for the child and the pregnancy may jeopardize their health they should be allowed to have an abortion.

 @9CKPDTW  from PR  agreed…1yr1Y

In the case of rape and danger to the mother the child is very likely to have a bad life and it will be a significant scar for the mother who had to endure a rape incident or is very likely to die from having the child. I the danger is to the child then it would just be mercy to stop its development before it can develop neurons and feel the pain of death. Lastly, in the case of incest, the child and the mother will be gravely affected socially and physically by the mother's decision of committing incest and the child's possibility of developing life-threatening and chronic illnesses that no human should have to deal with.

 @9JT37HLRepublican from Virginia  commented…1yr1Y

I do agree with such statement, yet it is a sin to have premarital sex.

 @9CKPDTW from PR  agreed…1yr1Y

True but some people will sin regardless, so we can save the baby (or if any of the cases apply then do the procedure) while they repent for their actions.

 @9H2H38WWomen’s Equality from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

Post partum depression will affect the mother regardless of if the loss of the child was intentional or not, In the case of rape there is always the fact that it was fate and it was meant to be.

 @9FPDH5S from North Carolina  agreed…1yr1Y

A child being born from a rape will eventually grow up and learn how they were created, and that'll cause mental turmoil for anyone, because who would wanna learn that their whole existence was created from a rape? But, if the sex was consensual from both parties then that child should be given a chance at a life regardless if the pregnancy was accidental or not.

 @9G7X4NH from Pennsylvania  disagreed…1yr1Y

If 2 consenting adults have sex, and that results in a pregnancy. The US government should have no say in what happens to that fetus. You do not know the financial situation of those 2 adults. If those 2 adults are mentally available for that child.

 @9G7V5NQ from North Carolina  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think Abortions should not be abolished because that person has an option to either keep the child or not it's their decision to either wanna keep their child or not it's not the government decision and me i don't believe in abortions causes it's just sad , and that person is going to want to go back and think about it and no matter to rape even though it's craul just keep the child because she or he might turn your life around make it even better no matter what.

 @9G7VPLX from North Carolina  disagreed…1yr1Y

A child being born from a rape will eventually grow up and learn how they were created, and that'll cause mental turmoil for anyone, because who would wanna learn that their whole existence was created from a rape? But, if the sex was consensual from both parties then that child should be given a chance at a life regardless if the pregnancy was accidental or not.

 @9GW47R7  from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

So many people want to adopt but are unable to, so it should be made easier to adopt and if the baby is unwanted then give the baby to someone who would cherish him or her. Furthermore, if you don't want a child, then don't have sex unprotected.

 @9GW7GPBIndependent  from Ohio  disagreed…1yr1Y

Everyone deserves a choice. There are so many reasons what someone could need an abortion and that is up to them and their doctor. What if it was because of Rape? What if it was because of a medical issue? What then? What if a condom broke - they weren't having unprotected sex. Look the bottom line is we have a right to choose that is up to us. Maybe someone wouldn't survive childbirth to put the child up for adoption. Maybe someone couldn't bear knowing they got raped and had to have the child even if putting it up for adoption. Who are you to force that on someone. - especially when the adoption process is so expensive, hard, and not all children are treated well.

 @9GW6N2K from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

Not everyone who tries to adopt has good intentions when adopting. People get rapped they should not have to carry around something that reminds them of that every day. If 15-year-olds can't vote or adopt they shouldn't be forced to have a baby they don't want. When someone has a baby they don't want that where child abuse starts to take place.

 @9GW75T5 from Missouri  disagreed…1yr1Y

Having protected sex can still lead to pregnancy, just because a contraceptive is used does not automatically mean there is no possible chance of pregnancy.

 @9GW72TL from Kentucky  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think abortions should still be made legal. Some people are victims of rape, so they did not have a choice to have unprotected sex. Nobody would want to carry the child of someone who ruined their life. Some may say that they could just put the child up for adoption, but who's to say they would have a good life with the new parents? Or if it stayed with the original parents, how would they feel knowing they were a child of something horrific?

 @9GXLW4T from California  agreed…1yr1Y

Government shouldn't ban abortion but it should have stricter laws on it. If one was raped, SA, dangerous pregnancies, or under a certain age it should be allowed but if not then it should be a criminal offense because even if the baby is not born it is still a living human forming and no one else made the choice to have sex besides oneself so abortion should not be an easy solution for people that decide to open their legs before they are ready to have a family and/or child.

 @9GXPB7C from Missouri  disagreed…1yr1Y

The government shouldn't ban abortion, and they shouldn't have stricter laws on it, but instead provide more accessible contraception and sexual education.


People have other reasons to get a abortion such as being domestic violence victims, who don't want to raise their child in an abusive household, or could just not have the economic stability to support and raise a child. When terminating a pregnancy, the fetus isn't even breathing yet, so it cannot be determined as living. Even if you are arguing "pro-life" on this matter, how "pro-life" are you, considering when that child grows up and goes to school their life is in danger after being exposed to school shootings and gun violence. If you want to take such efforts to protect life, also consider restricting gun use.

 @9GXPK9G from Minnesota  disagreed…1yr1Y

Abortion should not be a criminal offense because there are many situations where it's not wrong. However, it shouldn't be used as a simple fix just because someone doesn't want to have a child at that moment.

 @9GXPKGG from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

People will lie about how they got pregnant and many will risk their lives to have an unsafe abortion.

 @94DTQXB from Virginia  commented…3yrs3Y

If we are truly pro-life, then why are we okay with exceptions? If being pro-life means to be anti-abortion, should we not be against abortion in all cases, no matter how the child is conceived. Abortion always takes the life of an innocent human being and harms women in more ways than one. Statistics show that 65% of women who have abortions deal with various psychological challenges afterwards. Abortion does not help women but harms them. There is no case where abortion is medically necessary due to medical advances.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  corrected…2yrs2Y

Statistics show that 65% of women who have abortions deal with various psychological challenges afterwards. Abortion does not help women but harms them.

Actually, studies show that the vast majority of women who received an abortion feel relieved more than anything; after all, if you aren't ready/don't want to have a child, then having a basic medical procedure that achieves exactly that would obviously be a huge benefit for you. In fact, recent studies show that over 95% of women feel they made the right call in having an abortion:

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan  commented…2yrs2Y

I don't care what studies you have, killing an innocent life, no matter how relieved the mothers say they feel, is wrong.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  commented…2yrs2Y

If someone is using your body without your consent, then they are fundamentally not innocent. Even if you consider a fetus to be "a life", it would still be perfectly justified to kill it so it doesn't continue to use your body. Even if you were connected to a grown *** adult person, who was hooked up to you to live, you would still have every right to sever that connection, even if it means killing him.

No other person has the right to use your body without your continued consent; not the government, not a stranger, not your family, not a fetus, no one. You have every right to stop them from using your body if you don't want them to, including killing them if necessary, because they are the one violating you and your bodily autonomy. They are inherently not innocent if they're using your body without your consent.

 @ConceptualSynthesizerLibertarian from California  agreed…2yrs2Y

I totally get where you're coming from. Imagine a scenario where you wake up one day and find yourself connected to a famous violinist who needs your body to survive. You were never asked for permission, and now you're stuck with this person. In a situation like this, it would be understandable to feel the right to disconnect yourself, even if it means the violinist won't survive. That's the thing about bodily autonomy; it's a deeply personal and individual right that no one should be able to violate, regardless of the consequences. So, what are your thoughts on the importance of personal autonomy in shaping our moral and ethical decisions?

  @WildManBagginzIndependent from Illinois  commented…2yrs2Y

Your statement that "There is no case where abortion is medically necessary due to medical advances" is 100% false.

You have clearly ignored all medically/scientifically defined reasons why it is medically necessary under a lot of scenarios. I'm not even talking about elective abortions.

 @95X855T from Illinois  commented…2yrs2Y

Thinking in absolutes is what kills your argument. We’re talking about the choice of abortion and how it should be the women’s choice, I agree, pro life, but the exception to rape, assault, etc.

 @9B7ZJLM from Washington  disagreed…2yrs2Y

It doesn't matter WHERE the baby came from or how you FEEL about it, what MATTERS is that IT IS A DEFENSELESS CHILD AND YOU SHOULD BE MURDERING IT.

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan  corrected…2yrs2Y


You mean should not, right?

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington  disagreed…2yrs2Y

Thinking without absolutes is what kills your argument when MORALITY IS ABSOLUTE!

 @9B9WG7D from Utah  disagreed…2yrs2Y

If not allowing murder where there is no self preservation from immediate and imminent harm is an absolute for everyone else.

 @987J62RRepublican from Florida  commented…2yrs2Y

as much as i want to agree with you, there are some births that endanger the mother and are needed.

 @9GSRKDBfrom Guam  agreed…1yr1Y

I think a woman or girl who has been raped or there's an incest situation, she should have the right to an abortion. But if it's a grown woman who had consensual sex, she should not use abortion as birth control. If she's not ready to raise a child, she can put the baby up for adoption.

 @9GRN6FW from Pennsylvania  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree when the child or parent is in risk. And when the child would be held to a terrible child hood. And in case of unfortunate situations of rape and incest.

 @9H5H8VX from New Jersey  agreed…1yr1Y

If someone is a victim of sexual assault or rape or an incest or cause harm to the mother, then they could get an abortion but I believe everyone is responsible for their action, so I'm still pro-life.

 @9GVJMLX from Utah  agreed…1yr1Y

Abortion used as a birth control is not about the body of the mother, but the life of her child. There are better options to allow those mothers to give up motherhood without killing the child.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  disagreed…1yr1Y

Literally the only thing that matters is the body of the mother. The life of the unborn child is irrelevant because it doesn't have the right to use its mother's body against her consent to begin with; the mere existence of the child in the womb is entirely reliant on the consent of the mother to allow it to be there.

 @9GYPCCJ from Iowa  agreed…1yr1Y

Cases of rape and incest allow for abortions as well as harm to the mother or baby if carried to term

 @9GVMNSGRepublican from Georgia  agreed…1yr1Y

Only reasons for abortion to include rape and risk of life to the mother. Increase education and resources to encourage adoption.

 @9GYDDR3 from Nevada  agreed…1yr1Y

Educating teenagers on the use of birth control and safe sex should be a priority but limited amounts of abortion should be allowed, but abortion should also be allowed in the cases of rape, incest, or if it is a danger to the mother or child.

 @9GRRSYL from Massachusetts  agreed…1yr1Y

If it is certain or highly likely that the mother will die or the child will die regardless if the pregnancy is carried out, then abortion should be made an option for them. Mother's life should take priority if there is a choice between which one lives, especially if that mother already has children. This all makes sense however the last part is the wrong way of going about things. Having children already has no bearing. The mother's life is always priority but should be saved in the case of her life being at risk. However, I do not believe in abortion except in rape, incest, or life of the mother.

 @9GSJRD9 from Idaho  agreed…1yr1Y

Pro-life unless the victim was raped or if its a danger to the mother or child because if you knew the consequences between having sex and conceiving a child then you need to follow through with it.

 @9HB6NZG from Illinois  agreed…1yr1Y

if someone is in danger of death, or was raped or it was incest then she should be allowed to receive an abortion but only within three months of the baby being created.

 @9FLQ6YD from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

In instances such as rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child, abortion may be necessary either financially, socially, or physically.

 @9GV2MW3 from Kentucky  agreed…1yr1Y


 @9GPYM72Peace and Freedom from Colorado  agreed…1yr1Y

rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child position should be allowed because they are at life risk and a rape victim did not ask for all of the tuff thing of a baby

 @9FM477MRepublican from California  agreed…1yr1Y

In cases of rape and incest, I don't think that it is just to force a woman, who could be underage, to carry a child of a rapist and sex offender.

 @9HCDG5S from Ohio  agreed…1yr1Y

I don't agree with just having an abortion because it wasn't planned, you don't want it, or you aren't ready. I feel that you should have been aware of the consequences of your actions. My only exception to abortions is if the mom's, baby's life is at risk or if the baby is of rape or incest. I do not agree with having abortions if the baby is full-term and physically developed.

 @9F8666NRepublican from Nevada  agreed…1yr1Y

Understanding the consequences of sex, especially without protection, should make it obvious that killing a child purely for its unfortunate appearance is wrong. Rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child are all extraneous conditions where there was no control or there are severe consequences to the pregnancy.

 @9GQ557Z from Illinois  agreed…1yr1Y

I believe in pro-life, abortion should not be available to everyone and anyone because in a way, it is murder of an unborn child. Though in cases when the woman was raped, in a situation of incest, or if there is a risk for the mother or baby, abortion should be an option for their health and safety.

 @9GW7SYP from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

Just don't kill the baby if you did not use protection. It's totally different if you got raped or sexually assaulted/abused and you got pregnant. I wouldn't want to have that person's baby either. But don't abort the baby if you just had sex unprotected. That was your fault not the baby's or the father's.

 @9GXZH7X from Georgia  agreed…1yr1Y

"It has been scientifically proven that human life begins with conception. It should not be legal for people to essentially 'play God' and decide to end the life of another innocent person, especially when that person is in the purest form of innocence" -whoever wrote this
(with the exception of incest, rape, and danger to the mother, or really messed up birth defects like missing vital organs, or something seriously wrong with the child that will cause it to die almost as soon as it exits the mother.)

 @9GQLDMHIndependent from Maine  agreed…1yr1Y

I believe that it should be allowed for certain things like rape, incest, to young, not financially stable, not mentally or physically able to.

 @9GP8699 from New Jersey  agreed…1yr1Y

Abortions should not be allowed unless it is from rape and the mother can't take care of it because of the trauma or if it was a child that was raped. In the cases of rape, if the mother is too traumatized then the child would definitely not live a good life.

 @9GYJGXV from Idaho  agreed…1yr1Y

No woman should have to carry a child especially if they are raped. how would you like it if you had to carry some random dudes baby. There should be allowed abortion on children who are going to come out as drug babies and have terrible defects.

 @9GQR8TT from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

I believe that the woman is the victim and it is her choice to carry the baby or not. I am against abortion and would never do it myself but it may be for the best in cases that involve rape, incest, etc.

 @9GZ2ZFQRepublican from Utah  agreed…1yr1Y

Balancing the competing concerns of a woman's right to have control over her body and an unborn child's right to live requires serious consideration of the circumstances of conception and the question of when an unborn child should have recognized humanity. A ban of all abortions after 15 weeks, excepting circumstances where the mother's life is at risk, is the best balance of all concerns.

 @9GVLHLN from Idaho  agreed…1yr1Y

When a fetus is conceived, the mother's body is now shared and supports both the mother and the child. To say the baby is not a living, breathing human is psychotic. That child has the same right to life as everyone else. If the child wasn't alive, it would be stale-born and wouldn't grow. But for the mother to put her opinion over the natural human rights of an unborn child is cruel. And the use of abortion is abused. It is used as an excuse or a safety net. There are far more humane and cost-effective options out there than an abortion. Condoms and birth control are the simpl…  Read more

 @9FM4BTNRepublican from New York  agreed…1yr1Y

It is proven that babies need to be aborted for life of the mother and i am ok with that. Also if you were raped that is a total reasonable exception

 @9FLPWR2Republican from Georgia  agreed…1yr1Y

In the case of danger to the mother or child I believe if it's going to kill the mother or child than it shouldn't be classified as a rape. For the rape and incest victims, I think if we could make it easier to adopt than many abortions wouldn't be like this.

 @9GYC2GJ from South Carolina  agreed…1yr1Y

I am pro life, but if it provides danger to the child or the mother, is illegal, was not even meant to be conceived, then it is fine to abort the child. Most preferably if it is as soon as possible.

 @9GQVM6L from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

Biology states that a cell is considered life, if we found living bacteria or cells on another planet it would be considered life. So when a baby is just a clump of cells in a females womb it is therefore a living baby. However in cases of traumatic rape, incest, and danger for the mother or child I think abortion is a reasonable approach to prevent a life of trauma and pain.

 @9FQJQ8C from Missouri  agreed…1yr1Y

I believe it would be ok in rape, incest, and danger to children but I think it needs to be done in a certain amount of time. before the child starts to develop.

 @9H4QLXF from Michigan  agreed…1yr1Y

if someone has been kidnapped then rape and got pregnant they can get rid of the baby if wanted due to that aduse.

 @9FLFCPK from Missouri  agreed…1yr1Y

if they are raped they literally couldnt do anything so they need it, incest could make the baby's life miserable it they get the wrong genes, and if it's a danger to the mother of course you need to get them an abortion or they could die.

 @9GRC3LB from Washington  agreed…1yr1Y

If it is certain or highly likely that the mother will die or the child will die regardless if the pregnancy is carried out, then abortion should be made an option for them. Mother's life should take priority if there is a choice between which one lives, especially if that mother already has children.

 @9FSJXV5 from Georgia  agreed…1yr1Y

if you made a choice and you accidentaly had a baby you dont want you should not be allowed to kill it. if it wasn't your choice and it is going to harm you you shouldnt have to carry it

 @9GY6S2R from Virginia  agreed…1yr1Y

In these cases of rape, incest, or danger to the mother or child, then abortion is fine because they where either force into something they didn't want, the child would have defects, or it could kill the mother or child.

 @9F8Q7YN from Michigan  agreed…1yr1Y

you need to think deeper about it before banning that because its not your body especially its a lot of white MEN making this law there should be circumstances where you cannot get an abortion but banning it completely is so sick

 @9GSKW6M from Nebraska  agreed…1yr1Y

Even most Americans see abortion as a despicable act that should be illegible as seen in a study when it stated that 62% of Americans believed that abortion should be illegal.

 @9FQ9KJ3 from Georgia  agreed…1yr1Y

The smallest form of life is a cell. Thus, an unborn baby is a human life, even if it's called a clump of cells. Human life should be protected and in most cases should not be terminated. A woman in most cases should not be allowed to kill her unborn baby, as it is a separate being from her. Rape, incest, and the life of the mother are appropriate exceptions as they are out of anyone's control.

 @9GRPF4P from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

Life Begins at Fertilization with the Embryo's Conception. "Development of the embryo begins at Stage 1 when a sperm fertilizes an oocyte, and together they form a zygote." "Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception).

 @9HKNYZF from Oregon  agreed…1yr1Y

All I think of it is abortion is okay in certain cases like rape or incest. But if it's just because two people were deciding to be careless then I think that the child deserves to be born

 @9GZ5D83 from Missouri  agreed…1yr1Y

if a young child is raped and ends up conceiving, that child and the baby are both at risk of their lives.

 @9GZ5XTH from North Carolina  commented…1yr1Y

 @9HHM9D9 from Nebraska  agreed…1yr1Y

A woman should be able to abort the child in cases or rape or incest but if it was accidental then they should raise the child or put it up for adoption not kill it before it’s life begins.

 @9HBS33W from North Carolina  agreed…1yr1Y

abortion should only be given to people in cases of rape, incest, unplanned child pregnancy, or cases where the mother will suffer or die in labor


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