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@9FVDGCN 1yr1Y
I would say yes because most immigrants living in the U.S. are paying taxes, so I believe they have the rights as any other American
No, because they are not there legally, so they should not be granted citizenship, and should be deported.
@9HKDSP2Republican 1yr1Y
but the kids are born here just like regular American kids how their parents got here isn't their fault the deserve ht chance to grow up as an American just like other nation born citizens
Except the constitution covers the kids being born here regardless of the status of their parents
"The FAIR study, released in March last year, documented the financial toll of illegal immigration on the U.S., taking into account factors like emergency medical care, incarcerating illegal aliens in local jails, and federal budgets that pay out billions in welfare every year, fixing the net annual cost at $150.7 billion. Not including $32 billion tax contributions made by the illegals, the cost would have been $182 billion" Their taxes are nothing compared to the amount of our (US citizen's) tax money they're using up
While I agree, I also think if we have the resources they should be used, regardless of both citizenship and taxed status.
Children should be allowed to be anywhere they are currently at for citizenship, they don't decide where they are going or what they are going to do the next day. They are just living life growing up 1 day at a time
People may choose to immigrate for a variety of reasons, such as employment opportunities, to escape a violent conflict, environmental factors, educational purposes, or to reunite with family.
Yes, children born in the country have the same right as anyone else born in America not only that but their parents also pay taxes like the rest of the people for them to get one of their rights taken away.
Coming from someone in an immigrant family, we have greatly improved the way of living by moving here to America and we can help the people still in our country with the money we have gained through working here in America.
By moving to the Americas, they directly / indirectly benefit the country as they come for new opportunities for themselves or their families which boosts the economy/workforce.
I agree with the decision if granting the children of illegal immigrants full citizenship because they had no choice but to be dragged into the U.S. by the choice of their parents. It is unjust for us to not grant them anything when they have to be forced to restart their lives.
someone who wants to become a citizen shouldn't have to wait 20 years, by then their life could have ended and not have lived a better life in America.
A total of 13.6 percent of our population is immigrants, nearly 1 million immigrants are coming to the US every signle year, it is predicted. If we do not allow immigratoion anymore, then we would very likely hurt our own exonomy and realtionship with the rest of the world.
It just depends on the people, like they could do a background search and see what they find. Not all immigrants should be deported tf. Especially if you're separating a family. Like how sick you have to be to do that .
If a family struggles with something in another country or if there are circumstances where people are unsafe and not free, America should be open to allowing people to make a better life for themselves because that is what the foundation of this country is about
Hispanic immigrants have increased the workforce of the U.S. significantly whether it be through labor or economically.
Children should be viewed as citizens of the world. They cannot control where they live and should not be mistreated for the decisions of their parents or caretakers.
Yes, children born in the country have the same right as anyone else born in America not only that but their parents also pay taxes like the rest of the people for them to get one of their rights taken away.
Most illegal immigrants come to this country to offer themselves, family back home, and their future family a better lifestyle. Therefore, a child of illegal immigrants that was born or grew up in this country most likely a) did not have a say on said immigration and should not face the consequences of such and b) should have the same right as other legal citizens that also grew up in this country and be offered the same benefits granted to legal citizens.
They are not at fault for any decisions made by the parents in their lives and we have that right at the time of birth to be a citizen of the USA
Children of immigrants should be granted legal citizenship because of the stuff they go through. They have many struggles going on and it may be that their country is a dangerous place. Children should not be allowed to be raised in such dangerous places and that's why their parents do their best to take them somewhere where they have the best opportunity to be safe and live a successful life.
There is always going to be immigration, why fight a never ending war of accessibility to citizenship.
in some cases where they came in with a child that is below the age of 16 , then yes because they are minors and they do not have an idea of what is going on, so it should not affect the children because they did not have a say in entering the country illegally.
statistically immigrants are more hardworking and more willing to work for their monew due to their previous situations this helps the economy. and also immigrations just gives people a chance to have different opportunities and explore talents plus what do you have to lose.
Simply sending people off to be killed is not freedom, any and all deserve freedom as long as they don't pose a threat
form 2012 to 2018 us born citizens have a higher crime rate then undocumented immigrants and legal immigrants.
I just don't understand why letting people in is such a big deal. They want a better life and we have the resources and opportunity to give it to them.
Children should be viewed as citizens of the world. They cannot control where they live and should not be mistreated for the decisions of their parents or caretakers.
The immagrints that come from Mexico for example are a large chunk of our work force and we don't realize how much we gain from immigration.
A few years ago ICE was called to a poultry factory where they detained and deported over 600 illegal immigrants working there. They used fake ID's and fake social security numbers, but they paid taxes and did not cause any trouble. After all of them were taken, the factory lost more than half of the employees, the other works had to pick up all the extra work, and the children were left without their families. Now the process of getting meat ready and packaged and shipped to stores is longer. Without those immigrants, lots of things came to a halt in the community. that just goes to sho… Read more
By moving to the Americas, they directly / indirectly benefit the country as they come for new opportunities for themselves or their families which boosts the economy/workforce.
Yes, children should have the same rights as any other U.S citizen because every child has the right to get the education they dont have from their home. Their family should have the right too because they would be paying taxes as the other citzens.
The medical bills are very expensive since they don't have healthcare. It might be hard to support a family in this country when you basically have to pay extra from everything.
Well the immigrants just want a better life so I feel if they have no criminal record they should be allowed to stay.
"72% of Americans say immigrants come to the united states for jobs and to improve their lives"
well when the separation to there kids and going back to there kids so i most likely think they do need more right to be able to accomplish themselves on what they have in mind
Everywhere is hiring right now! looking for people to fill in job spots, lots of people dont wanna work. look outside.
Places like Guatemala and El Salvador are poor third-world countries with many people not being able to receive proper education and lack funds to even begin applying.
We are all people no matter where we are born. If you can vist their contury and live the should do it as well.
In America, we have seen too many homeless problems and addictions and things are getting out of hand.
First, if the child is under 18 years of age, which is most likely if they were born in the U.S., they must either go back to their home country with the parents or be adopted by legal citizens. Secondly, if they were born in the U.S. as a child of illegal immigrants and are over the age of 18, they must apply to become legal citizens. I have no issues with foreigners becoming citizens, and in fact I believe that process should be easier than it is now, however if illegal immigrants harvest the benefits of our country without paying their proper dues, anarchy will follow. We are a democracy, not a warzone. Our nation is built upon principals that are violated by the idea of illegal immigration.
We have too many homeless in America right now. There are many children that come to this country and become slaves, and worse off than if they'd have stayed in their own country. Until all of the cities in America get rid of homelessness, we should not take on anymore people.
It's true that homelessness is a significant issue in America. Addressing it should indeed be a priority, and it's an unfortunate reality that some immigrant children can fall into exploitative situations. However, some argue that these issues are not mutually exclusive. For example, in Utah, they've significantly reduced homelessness through a model called Housing First, which focuses on providing permanent housing as a primary strategy. If such a model could be implemented nationwide, do you think America could both address homelessness and accommodate immigrant children?
No, because people could just come in illegally and have kids to become US citizens and that is not right.
Yes children of Immigrants should be grated citizen ship because being born in the country should immediately grant citizenship no matter family background color or race.
After getting a green card, which is already an incredibly difficult and time-consuming process, it takes 5 years to get citizenship.
A lot of people claim to have applied for medical but instead because they are immigrants they got 'emergency medical' compared to the American citizens whom mostly get medical of the bat.
they shouldn't have to because most of them have been going to school in the U.S. since they were little. and sometime they don't even try to help them get there citizenship they just take there money and that's it.
There is a current crisis at our borders with over 10,000 illegals trying to cross due to our poor security. We are allowing criminals to come in waves into our countries who supply many of the drugs that are causing overdoses to our citizens. We are also constantly allowing more illegals to take jobs from Americans. Many people complain about not being able to get a job and this is only going to get worse due to illegal immigration. It also makes our country seem weak, and it is adding to overpopulation. It also causes unbalanced elections due to immigrants usually voting democrat.
he majority of illegal drugs in the US are smuggled through legal ports of entry, not unprotected parts of the border.
Regarding job loss, studies show that immigrants, both legal and illegal, actually boost the economy and create jobs. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine found that while first-generation immigrants are more costly to governments, mainly at the state and local levels, immigrants' children are among the strongest economic and fiscal contributors in the U.S. population.
As for overpopulation, this is a global issue, not specific to the U.S. or immi… Read more
Now I’m confused. Ill do opposite immigration hound stay the same the process is fine just the way it is.
Immigration is not a vouluntetary optition as in when people immigrate to a new location/ country its to get better opportunities and a more benefit in life and life choices.
The children of immigrant parents should be citizens because they were born in the us, which is a form of gaining citizenship. Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside" this says that if you are born in the us then you are a citizen therefore the children that were born in the us of immigrant parents should have citezenship.
It’s hard to know the background of illegal aliens. We should be more selective in regards to who we let and have immigrants undergo screening
We need to take care of our own before we even remotely try to help others. As selfish as this sounds, the immigrants could just as easily become official US citizens so we can help them while we help ourselves.
A person wishing to be a citizen of the United States should go through the legal processes. No one should be allowed entry without being properly vetted and go through the necessary procedures.
You need to have a record of being in the US before getting into our country. I don't want people I don't want in my house.
No, just like anyone else who has immigrated to other countries, they should do it legally and follow the rules. If they are here illegally and have a child, they and the child should be deported.
Immigration must be controlled, and must be based on a legal process. No illegal immigration. My wife is from China and she is following the law.
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
They don't pay taxes so should not get Benfield.. this is a disservice to v those who came here legally
Most "Americans" are identified as white people, where did Caucasians originate? West of the Caucasus mountains in Europe, they were once immigrants themselves who took this land by force, they should have no right to deny entry of Latin Americans, or Asians.
People who get treated differently feel very sad and that they don't belong because they are not treated the same. It is not fair that specific people are treated nicely and other people are being treated like trash.
They bring drugs, weapons, diseases, and horrible things into our country. Overall they destroy our country and what we love and fought for
There is a current crisis at our borders with over 10,000 illegals trying to cross due to our poor security. We are allowing criminals to come in waves into our countries who supply many of the drugs that are causing overdoses to our citizens. We are also constantly allowing more illegals to take jobs from Americans. Many people complain about not being able to get a job and this is only going to get worse due to illegal immigration. It also makes our country seem weak, and it is adding to overpopulation. It also causes unbalanced elections due to immigrants usually voting democrat.
Children of illegal immigrants should not be allowed citizenship in the U.S. because if there parents are not living here legally then why would they be able to.
It allows a loophole for immigrants to get across the border and who would even take care of the children
Too many American Citizens are living in poverty, facing homelessness, mental health crises, and addiction. We have too many Americans struggling right now. We need to help our own before helping anyone else. Period.
I agree. it should be allowed. What i am against is called "Illegal immigration". i dont care about people coming into the country legally, they should be held to the standards in place. Illegal immigrants should be removed from the country by force or just by not allowing citizenship.
I believe that ANYONE that is illegally in the U.S. should go through the process of getting their citizenship so they can indulge in the same rights as someone who is a citizen
My position stands on the fact that there are multiple other nations with the same freedoms as America, why can't people go there, and if they can't get there then why don't they force their own government to do what they want.
the us nation is struggling to keep up with the amount of incoming immigrants there is not enough placement for many or most of the incoming foreman population sickness is rising and steadily money issues are ongoing due to the free health care to incoming non us citizens and we have a major border crisis indulging sex trafficking drug importing and other solicited acts
We have too many illegal immigrants in the United States that the American taxpayers are paying for unnecessarily.
Illegal immigrants do not pay taxes but use the same infrastructure which increases the wear on the infrastructure but does not increase funding in order to repair the infrastructure.
if they're living in the USA and never illegally immigrated, they should be entitled to equal application of the law as other citizens
@Anna 1yr1Y
During the Guatemalan civil war 1000's of citizens left there country to the U.S. and as war refugees they couldn't be sent back.
Immigrants and their U.S.-born children number approximately 87.7 million people, or close to 27 percent of the U.S. population in the 2022 CPS, an increase of approximately 14.7 million (or 20 percent) from 2010.Mar 14, 2023
A total of 13.6 percent of our population is immigrants, nearly 1 million immigrants are coming to the US every signle year, it is predicted. If we do not allow immigratoion anymore, then we would very likely hurt our own exonomy and realtionship with the rest of the world. -someone from indiana
During the Guatamalan civil war 1000's of citizens left there country to the U.S. and as war refugees they couldn't be sent back.
The "tests" that are given also restrict immigrants unnecessarily, much like voting "literacy tests," leading to a less diverse population.
According to the White House, immigrants increase the workforce and therefore better the economy.
Unless you are a native american, you are descended of immigrants (who likely did not go through the proper channels).
I think that Immigration isn't such a bad thing because almost every immigrant just comes for a better life.
Let's take care of citizens who are legally in America first, then enforce limits on numbers of people coming in.
would you like to not be able to have a house make minimum wage or less and have basically no support groups to help if you need food water or shelter
My aunt would work hours and several jobs to provide for the government without no citizenship. She was providing the same amount of energy that a normal-born and raised American would, if not possibly more than others. immigrants are always looked at but never understood.
if they were born here or their parents brought them they had no choice in it so why send them back?
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