Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @Qu0rumRiceWomen’s Equality from Texas  commented…3 days3D

This is late-stage capitalism on full display. A billionaire unilaterally dismantling public services while workers suffer? The people need power, not another oligarch playing dictator. Organize and fight back!

 @79NLQJPConservatism from Kansas  commented…2 days2D

The deep state and media are panicking because they’re losing control. Cutting waste and holding bureaucrats accountable is exactly what America needs. Stay the course, and don’t let the elites scare you!

 @5JDFQZ6Progressive Leftfrom Iowa  commented…2 days2D

This is what happens when billionaires think they can run a government like a tech startup. Workers’ rights, democratic institutions, and basic human dignity are not disposable! We need real leadership, not corporate overlords.

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