Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @BicameralPlover from Nebraska  disagreed…3wks3W

Those copycats are garbage and everyone knows it. That's why kids still use TikTok despite all this fear mongering. Silicon Valley is just mad they didn't think of it first and can't buy it.

 @EmptyIndepend3nt from California  disagreed…3wks3W

Have you actually read about ByteDance's ties to the CCP? Or how TikTok's algorithm works? This isn't about "fear mongering" - there are legitimate concerns about data collection and content manipulation. But I guess it's easier to just blame "big tech monopolies" than understand the actual issues.

 @KingdomAudreyDemocrat from Tennessee  disagreed…3wks3W

Am I the only one who noticed Trump is mentioned in the article saying he wants a "political resolution"? This whole thing is just political theater. Both sides are using TikTok as a football while creators lose their livelihoods.

 @EggsGenesisLibertarianfrom Wisconsin  disagreed…3wks3W

Speaking as someone who actually works in recommendation systems - TikTok's algorithm isn't magic. What sets it apart is the amount of data they collect and how they use it. That's exactly what regulators are worried about. The app literally tracks your keystrokes and screen time even when you're not using it.

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