Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @WrathfulGrizzlyJewish Left from Ohio  commented…18hrs18H


Israel, a country smaller than New Jersey is fighting a defensive war against:

- Gaza

- Judea and Samaria

- Lebanon

- Syria

- Iran

- Yemen

- Iraq

 @G3rrymanderCarolineRepublican from Oklahoma  agreed…18hrs18H

If you look at the list of countries attacking Israel militarily, diplomatically, and politically, or, for that matter, if you look at the map of the Middle East, and still think Israel is in any way the aggressor here, at best, you’re a moron who lacks any critical thinking.

 @SolemnSeagullWorking Family from Wisconsin  disagreed…18hrs18H

I strongly disagree with the conflation of Iran as a country and the regime occupying it. Iranians are by far Israel's biggest regional supporters who show up to every single pro-Israel protest. I also don't like the description of Persians, whose King Cyrus the Great liberated the Jews, as people who tried to destroy us.

I really do think distinguishing between the regime in Iran and the actual country matters here, just like it matters to distinguish between Haman and the rest of Persia back then.

 @G3rrymanderCarolineRepublican from Oklahoma  disagreed…18hrs18H

Of course that’s true but not sure what part of what I said is incorrect. Is Iran not at war with Israel? I didn’t say the people of Iran. Iran, the country, aka the regime, is powering this entire war.

 @SolemnSeagullWorking Family from Wisconsin  disagreed…18hrs18H

Iran is not at war with Israel. Similarly, Lebanon isn't at war with Israel either. Both countries are occupied by an islamic mafia that has zero popular support or goodwill.

Don't forget that Khomeini and the mullahs spat on the name Iran because they don't believe in nations - only the islamic revolution. The IRGC - the entity actually at war with Israel - is entirely separated from Iranian society and even the regular Iranian army. It's a cancerous terrorist militia that doesn't even have Iran in its name.

Under these circumstances, saying Iran while referring to the mullahs and the IRGC is best avoided, at least if you want to maintain good relations with the millions of Iranians who support you.

 @Pr0porti0nalBradyGreen from Pennsylvania  disagreed…18hrs18H

You are a f*cking clown

The Persians literally SAVED your the very existence of Jews, when Cyrus the great the Persian king saved Jews from Babylonian captivity!

Like it’s literally the opposite!

You just want to be a victim at every given opportunity it’s embarrassing

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