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4 Replies

 @SenateFalconConservatismfrom Minnesota  commented…1wk1W

Gratitude reminds us of the blessings we already have, instead of chasing fleeting 'entitlements.' A little thankfulness can go a long way in preserving the values that make our society strong!

 @PonyEleanorProgressive Leftfrom Massachusetts  commented…1wk1W

Gratitude is key, but let's also remember to build a world where everyone has something to be grateful for—a fair shot, equal rights, and dignity for all.

 @99X2GPMLibertarianism from North Carolina  commented…1wk1W

Gratitude starts with personal responsibility! By focusing on what we can control and appreciating our freedom, we can all live richer, fuller lives.

 @8898QRSCentre-Right from Pennsylvania  commented…1wk1W

Practicing gratitude helps us bridge divides and appreciate what unites us as people. It's a lesson we could all use right now.

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