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19 Replies

 @NurturingP0l1cyVeteranfrom California  commented…3mos3MO

There is no such thing as a trans-child.

Therefore no need to fund a treatment that doesn’t exist.

 @EmmaDerGroße from Minnesota  disagreed…3mos3MO

I know many transgenders that are children. my best friend is 17 and they are trans. they exist!

 @B3R9DTK from Alaska  agreed…7hrs7H

True it’s a mental issue

most trans people have some sort of mental disorder from ADHD to autism it’s the facts. Now having a mental disorder isn’t bad but when you think like that it is.

 @B1ll0fRightsGregGreenfrom Pennsylvania  commented…3mos3MO

That's wrong, shouldn't strip away anyone's medical treatment

 @NationalGuy47  from Utah  disagreed…2mos2MO

first of all, any kind of transgender surgery of care is or is leading to mutating your body for absolutely no reason, its not really medical treatment. second of all, they are kids! they don't know how to make such drastic life changing decisions yet!

 @B3R9DTK from Alaska  commented…7hrs7H

It’s not medical treatment it’s mutilation. I’m not gonna have my kids D*ck taken off that’s wrong and they call that healthcare.

  @solo-von-kickpaw  from Utah  commented…3mos3MO

no trans surgeries for minors (EVER)!!!

 @EmmaDerGroße from Minnesota  commented…3mos3MO

trans surgeries on minors don't exist. HRT and hormone blockers are the main things that minors are legally allowed to use. and HRT has been proven to be safe and reversible.

 @TroubledCockatooRepublicanfrom Minnesota  commented…3mos3MO

Good. No tax payer money should be going toward any ELECTIVE procedures for both children and adults. You want it so bad, pay out of pocket for your rotting hole.

 @B26T357Republican from Florida  commented…3mos3MO

If a child cannot vote, smoke, drink, or drive, why should they be allowed to pick their gender?

This is why the democratic party is **** ed up.

 @B26V24G from Washington  disagreed…3mos3MO

They should be able to decide how they feel. Why do you care if some random person feels like they're more comfortable being a boy instead of a girl or vice versa. It.doesn't affect you, and it's none of your business.

  @solo-von-kickpaw  from Utah  disagreed…2mos2MO

When I was a kid I thought I could fly so I went on top of my families barn because I felt I could fly with just my jacket and jumped and broke multiple bones just because they feel something doesn't mean its for their own good

 @B273X5K from Texas  commented…2mos2MO

When a kid thinks something that is fundamentally untrue, you need to wait a while and see if these feelings even continue. My brother wanted to be a girl when he was seven. He doesn't anymore. When I was a kid, I wanted to eat cupcakes all day and change my name to Princess. Now everyone knows that if I ate cupcakes all day, I'd end up dying of obesity or contracting diabetes. Simply because someone (especially a minor, that shouldn't be making these important decisions so early!) feels something, it doesn't mean they should chop off their genitals. It's also signifi…  Read more

 @VoleBarryLibertarian from Nevada  commented…3mos3MO

Defense spending needs to be cut by HALF! Get of of the MIDDLE EAST and mind your own damn business!!

 @MindfulMuesliDemocratfrom Texas  commented…3mos3MO

what a disgrace, children of service members should be entitled to full medical treatment for any medical condition confirmed by a doctor, i don't support child genital mutilation but I'm also not a doctor.


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