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9 Replies

 @PragmaticGeckoLibertarian from New Jersey  agreed…1 day1D

The EU is going to collapse under the weight of its own stupidity.

Just take the win. At least you guys will now have somewhere to deport some of your jihadist immigrants to without feeling too guilty about it.

 @F3deralistEddiePro-Israel from Washington  disagreed…1 day1D

Hi there! I’m a Jew. Let me make it easy for you: if you never say anything about N.Korea, China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, the Taliban, ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Boko Haram but you constantly pipe up about Israel, you’re an antisemite. I hope that clears things up

 @6YJBDK3Progressive Left from Georgia  disagreed…1 day1D

Last time I checked my tax money went towards sending ISRAEL a quarter of a trillion dollars.

All this so that you could slaughter kids?

Such a dumb argument. Other places have done bad things so we can too? Not to mention, there is SO much more to it than just killing Palestinians.

 @F3deralistEddieDemocrat from Washington  disagreed…1 day1D

That’s a lie. Hamas slaughters their own kids, by using them as human shields and attacking Israe

 @6YJBDK3Independent from Georgia  disagreed…1 day1D

Bullsh*t. Hamas loves their own kids just like anyone else. When you imprison a race of people in a 25x5 mile prison just because you want to steal their land and houses, wtf do you expect to happen? Extremist groups emerge, and where are they supposed to go exactly? Most of Hamas were born in there and you expect them to die in there too, like all the civilians. Well f** you, I would resist too, anyone would. You people have zero empathy, you are literally dead inside.

 @OptimisticPuddingGreen from Ohio  agreed…1 day1D

Al Qaeda and the Jihadists are Zionist, just like just like Erdogan the Zionist now control the middle east China is next on the list they will pay the price for sitting on the side lines watching.

 @7DGWSMZConstitutionfrom Maine  disagreed…1 day1D

Have you ever once mentioned Turkey that has actually occupied northern Syria for over 8 years? Israel is just reinforcing a buffer zone in the interim while they work out who is running Syria. You are a terrorist apologist

 @IndependenceBennyDemocratfrom Massachusetts  disagreed…1 day1D

Israel isn’t invading Syria you absolute melt. Tell the truth for once in your life or is your ‘ Jew ‘ hatred just so strong you can’t?

 @7XCVS5XRepublican from Illinois  disagreed…1 day1D

Russia did not in invade Ukraine did remove the threat of chemical weapons & missiles falling into their hands!

Get over your antisemitism & try thanking Israel for keeping us safe?


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