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4 Replies

 @BoarsTommyConstitution from Nevada  commented…5 days5D

Well, doesn’t the fact that it written “before our current, globally connected world” mean that all Amendments can be up for the chopping block? If the 14th “needs to end”, wouldn’t that mean especially the earlier ones like….I don’t know….the 2nd would “need to end”?

 @7LQ863BIndependent from Washington  disagreed…5 days5D

The 14th amendment doesn’t need to be removed in order to end birthright citizenship being conferred upon illegal aliens. The 14th amendment doesn’t apply to those in our country illegally and not subject to the political jurisdiction of the United States.

 @MAGA_Deplorable from Washington  agreed…3 days3D

Yes, but the 14th Amendment has been misinterpreted so often that it should still be removed

 @P0llingPlaceTonyVeteran from South Carolina  disagreed…5 days5D

Anyone in the United States who doesn’t have diplomatic immunity is subject to the jurisdiction and laws on the United States. So your argument has zero merit.

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