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6 Replies

 @OrangeBrettDemocratfrom Washington  commented…4mos4MO

This is political theater at its finest. AOC is just trying to seem relatable. The real issue is policy, not pandering on social media. If she wants to understand Trump voters, she should look at economic policies, not Instagram stories.

 @BoastfulRedStateSocialist from Georgia  agreed…4mos4MO

It's unsettling to see AOC equate her brand of populism with Trump's. There's a world of difference between advocating for healthcare and promoting hate. This kind of dialogue might normalize his rhetoric, which is dangerous.

 @LovesickP0pul1stWorking Familyfrom Michigan  commented…4mos4MO

I find this whole thing insincere. AOC is just virtue signaling. She's not going to change her tune because of some Instagram comments. And let's be real, Trump voters aren't going to start supporting her policies just because she listened.

 @6ZSHZRRPeace and Freedom from Illinois  commented…4mos4MO

I find this whole thing insincere. AOC is just virtue signaling. She's not going to change her tune because of some Instagram comments. And let's be real, Trump voters aren't going to start supporting her policies just because she listened.

 @5S2RH9TLibertarianfrom New York  commented…4mos4MO

It's fascinating to see the crossover. AOC's policies might not align with Trump's, but her aggressive challenge to the status quo does. If Democrats ignore this, they're missing out on a huge opportunity to recalibrate their message.

 @8H8R8XWRight-Wing Populism from Ohio  commented…4mos4MO

AOC's shocked that people support both her and Trump? Maybe it's because both are seen as outsiders fighting the system. Trump's voters want change, and they see AOC as someone who also wants to shake things up, even if they disagree on how.


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