It’s almost funny if it weren’t so pathetic. The guy invades Ukraine, brings untold suffering, and then runs away from his palace because he’s worried about his safety. It’s a stark reminder of how these powerful figures don’t actually have any skin in the game. They’re fine with sending others to fight, but the moment there’s a hint of danger to them personally, they bolt.
It's a miracle this man hasn't retaliated against the US for its constant abuses and policing over wars that are none of its business. Every day this goes on, Putin will be more likely to retaliate, and it won't be pretty for either of us.
It’s always the same story with these powerful types. They stoke conflict, cause chaos, and then hide away in their fortified mansions while everyone else suffers. And what does it say about Russia’s government that Putin is more scared of a Ukrainian drone than of his own people rising up against him? These leaders are all about projecting strength until it’s their own neck on the line. Then they’ll tear down a mansion or build a bunker, anything to keep themselves safe while everyone else deals with the mess they’ve made.
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