Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @5RDL4B7from Indiana commented…10hrs10H

They always come after the ones who try to stand up to the establishment. It’s clear that the elites will do anything to protect their power, even if it means taking down someone who’s trying to fix things for the people.

 @J0intResolVioletProgressivismfrom Indiana commented…10hrs10H

Expert Pundit Progressivism

It’s not shocking. Corruption is rampant in politics, and this is just another example of how the system fails the people. Instead of accountability, we get more cover-ups and distractions.

 @CabinetPeteConservatism from Ohio commented…10hrs10H

The timing is way too convenient. This feels like another example of a political hit job to distract from the real issues facing New York. The Feds need to clean up their own house before going after others.

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