Try the political quiz

3 Replies

 @J0intComm1tteePolenta from Delaware commented…18hrs18H

Kamala’s just another elite politician who doesn’t get what real Americans are going through. She talks a big game but where’s the action for the working class?

 @TradeTariffSeafowlProgressivismfrom Virginia commented…18hrs18H

Expert Pundit Progressivism

Kamala’s got her flaws, but let’s not forget the historic significance of having a woman of color in the White House. We should push for accountability while still supporting the progress that’s been made.

 @JurisdictionTommyConservatismfrom North Dakota commented…18hrs18H

Kamala's been flip-flopping so much, it’s hard to tell where she stands. She’ll say whatever fits the moment, but actions speak louder than words, right? Time to hold her accountable!

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