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12 Replies

 @EmptyIdealisticSocialistfrom Illinois  commented…6mos6MO

China produces 6 times the amount of Green House Gasses as America does. They are the world's leading polluter in almost every category. We need more tariffs on Chinese goods until they literally clean up their act.

 @ResolvedLocustTranshumanistfrom Guam  disagreed…6mos6MO

You have to look at it through the view of pollution per capita, where America is the top producer per capita by far.

China is also heavily investing in renewable energy, they have deployed more solar panels in the last year than the US has in its entire history. With the GOP push back on green energy, they will likely drive down their use of fossil fuels and associated pollution significantly faster than the United States.

 @C0nstituti0nalRodWomen’s Equalityfrom North Carolina  disagreed…6mos6MO

China is also commissioning more coal fired power plants than any other Nation on Earth. Their peak emission is not expected to be for another decade at the earliest.

If you believe that man-made climate change is a real thing; that climate change isn't going to be based on a per capita basis, it's going to be based on how much pollution the ecosystem can handle before it collapses.

Saying that China should be allowed to have a "blank check" to pollute as much as they want because "we want to look at pollution per capita" is absurd if you're worried about climate change.

 @W3lfarePeacockLibertarianfrom North Carolina  disagreed…6mos6MO

Meanwhile you are still consuming chinese products for the same reason like many others. Beside if America become the manufacturer powerhouse, it will also become leading polluted. Pollution is a product of creation.

 @8TJTZL5Republicanfrom Guam  commented…6mos6MO

China is using government subsidies to manufacture their products and predatory pricing to drive western competition out of the market. Tariffs are the only thing the west has to protect their domestic manufacturers and level the playing field.

 @LegislativeOrangeRepublican from Pennsylvania  agreed…6mos6MO

Right. It is called dumping. And it violates a few international trade law agreements. China can go to the court that handles these claims and try to prove it isn't dumping product for export.

 @S0cialistEmiliaWomen’s Equality from Tennessee  commented…6mos6MO

China needs US. US doesn't not need China. US open the doors for China starting after 1979. At that time, China had almost no electricity or cars or TVs or refrigerators or stoves. They were dirt poor. No one needed China back then and no one really needs China now. Make them pay.

 @MindfulR3ferendumAmerican Solidarity from Texas  disagreed…6mos6MO

That was true maybe 20 years ago . China, in a short ten-year period has built the belt-and-road to facilitate their exports to all those countries (Latin America, Africa, Asia and some of Europe). The US is no longer as important to China as it once was.

 @DelegateChamoisTranshumanist from Utah  commented…6mos6MO

China is not our friend. They steal from the companies that move there and make a cheap copy that people fall for. They should never get a tariff decrease.


Should the focus on economic benefits override concerns about how countries manage human rights and environmental issues?


If you were in charge of making this decision, would you lift the tariffs, and what key factors would guide your choice?


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