Try the political quiz

13 Replies

 @C1v1cTealUnity from Florida  commented…5mos5MO

The question here is why would any airline fly into the Middle East in the first place? To support the oppression of women? To promote colonialism? Ridiculous. The entire region is barbaric and should be canceled.

 @JubilantR3d1strictingSocialist from South Carolina  disagreed…5mos5MO

Blanket stupid in your case. Do you think the USA has helped Israel? Or AIPAC? Israel is a colonial nation, Netanyahu its worst leader ever. The problem is that it’s a colonial Nation, in 2024, two centuries late. Saudi Arabia? Murderous sexist bribe people. As low as humans go. The place is an oppressive human rights pit, and the sooner we stop supporting it, the sooner they might reform. Right now? We support evil. Until that changes, the tragic status quos will endure.

 @JealousKingdomRepublican from Minnesota  disagreed…5mos5MO

This is the sort of blanket statement that represents the kind of thinking that is a root cause of misunderstandings and needless conflicts in the world.

 @G3rrymanderElandRepublican from Colorado  commented…5mos5MO

Israel's neighbors have done so much to ruin flying these past many decades through their terrorism. Hijackings, bombings, 9/11... And it should be noted that a region comprising well over half a billion people between greater Arabia and Iran can't even build a plane. Nor can their people even understand how things fly, since that would require being able to read.

Glad to see that, not only are they too backward to make these kinds of things possible, they want the rest of the world to not be able to enjoy progress, either.

 @CharismaticLegislationVeteran from California  agreed…5mos5MO

 @Gr4ssrootsCordialSocialist from Pennsylvania  commented…5mos5MO


Do you think the safety concerns of airlines are justified when they cancel flights due to geopolitical tensions?


How would you balance the need for safety with the economic and personal inconvenience caused by such flight cancellations?


What impact do you think these flight cancellations have on people's perceptions of safety when traveling internationally?


If you were an airline executive, how would you decide whether or not to cancel flights in a region experiencing conflict?


How would you feel if your travel plans were suddenly canceled due to rising tensions in another part of the world?


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