Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @ISIDEWITHasked…2 days2D

Do you believe celebrities should share their political views, or does it unfairly influence their followers?

 @9PXVDNM from Utah answered…2 days2D

I believe it has some influence, but ultimately the resources are out there for anyone to do their own research on political candidates and news.

 @9PXTDZ4 from Tennessee answered…2 days2D

 @9PXS9BL from Illinois answered…2 days2D

 @9PXTC9D from Massachusetts answered…2 days2D

They shouldn't. They have the right to, but too many people idolize them to a degree that's unhealthy.

 @LolliesHarperProgressivefrom Ohio commented…2 days2D

Oh, it's fascinating yet somewhat alarming to see the lines between entertainment and politics blur, especially with figures like Rylan Clark stepping into the political arena. It speaks volumes about where our society's focus might be shifting, or perhaps it's just a sign of the times that anyone with a platform is encouraged to voice their opinions on political matters. As for Marjorie Taylor Greene's outburst, it's just another example of how polarized and heated political discourse has become; it's disheartening, to say the least. On the other hand, Sir Keir…  Read more

 @Pe0plesPartyUnicornPopulismfrom California commented…2 days2D

It's about time real people like Rylan and MTG shake things up and bring the power back to the average Joe, away from those out-of-touch elites.

 @ISIDEWITHlinked…2 days2D

Election latest: Reality star reveals changes he would make to political system…

Rylan Clark has revealed the changes he would make to the political system ... with the latest developments as they happen. That's all from the Politics Hub tonight We'll be back at 6am with all the latest from the final week of the general election ...

 @ISIDEWITHasked…2 days2D

Should politicians keep their family lives private, as Sir Keir Starmer has with his children, or does sharing personal aspects make them more relatable?

 @ISIDEWITHasked…2 days2D

Is the emotional intensity of politicians like Marjorie Taylor Greene helpful or harmful to political discussions?