Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @GrudgingGranolaAuthoritarian from Minnesota commented…3wks3W

These protesters need to respect law and order, and universities should not give in to such disruptive behavior that undermines the educational environment.

 @SaltAvaProgressivefrom South Dakota commented…3wks3W

It's inspiring to see students and faculty standing up for Palestinian rights, challenging the status quo and sparking essential conversations about justice and academic freedom.


Pro-Palestinian protesters take over abandoned UC Berkeley building…

A group of pro-Palestinian demonstrators took over UC Berkeley’s Anna Head Alumnae Hall, just a day after a large encampment in Sproul Plaza was taken down.


University of California grad students overwhelmingly authorize strike against campus crackdowns

The World Socialist Web Site talked to a UC postdoc student about the conduct of the UAW during the past three weeks: Irvine police massing to attack anti-genocide protesters ... University of California, and to limit and isolate their struggle. The call ...


How do you feel about law enforcement's involvement in campus protests, and is there a line that shouldn't be crossed?


Should universities have the power to dismiss protests and enforce academic boycotts based on political stances?