Try the political quiz

11 Replies

 @PlayfulFishLibertarian from Virginia  commented…10mos10MO

Truly asking , what is the constitutional right to wear a hijab after arrest? Could I wear my cross necklace after arrested?

 @ExcitedTaxationWorking Familyfrom Virginia  commented…10mos10MO

the difference here is, its not a part of your religion (from what i know) to not be seen without a cross necklace. Specifically by men. but it is a part of this religion to not be seen without your hair covering, specifically by men. its not an accessory

 @ZebraZoeSocialist from Virginia  commented…10mos10MO

people in custody still have their right to religious freedom. cops can gather ur belongings&give it after but at the very least they should’ve had a female officer involved but lbr shouldn’t have been arresting them anyway our right to protest shouldn’t be oppressed this easily

 @S3nateArtRepublicanfrom Illinois  commented…10mos10MO

I’ve been arrested. Guess what happens when they book you in? They remove more than your headgear. But I don’t have that problem anymore because I just (listen closely) don’t get arrested.


How do actions like these by the police affect your trust in law enforcement's sensitivity to cultural and religious practices?


Is the right to wear cultural or religious symbols during protests important to you, and why?

 @Pl4tformRaccoonGreen from Hawaii  commented…10mos10MO

This has been happening for far too long and it’s because US police departments suck at anything remotely close to cultural sensitivity.

 @ApplesJonnyTranshumanist from Louisiana  commented…10mos10MO

they’re removing it for the same reason they take shoelaces and other items one can strangulate themselves or others with.

Still, how they miss the cultural sensitivity here and respect people is mind-blowing to me (albeit unsurprising).


Imagine being in a situation where expressing your beliefs led to a seemingly punitive action against your cultural identity; how would you react?


Do you think the police removing the hijabs was justifiable under any circumstance?


How would you feel if a personal item significant to your identity was forcibly removed by authorities?


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