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2 Replies

 @R3d1strictingSophiaSocialist from Vermont commented…2mos2MO

that’s a mentality the boldly touts profit over someone else’s quality of life. Housing, through the warped incentives of the government has been changed from a vital necessity to a speculative asset. The problem is the system is rigged to make it always go up.

If the US imposed an imputed rental income tax and disincentivized people from treating homes as businesses housing prices would be more affordable.

The political implications of large swaths of the country unable to afford to live comfortable due to housing instability will come for the homeowners soon enough. Political…  Read more

 @CautiousCardinalRepublicanfrom North Dakota disagreed…2mos2MO

how can you castigate him for bragging about his valuable home in the same post where you openly hope for him to lose his job, and think you're justified?

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