Try the political quiz

7 Replies

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

And the power of companies, businesses, and capitalism itself is far higher, while being far more discrete. Businesses grow overtime with little restraint from the outside, amassing a gigantic amount of indirect power. They may not be able to force you to buy a product, but they can kill the competition, ramp up prices overtime, and essentially make their product the only product available in that sector. Government merely assists in these companies getting this kind of power, but it’s also the only thing strong enough to defend against those forces in an industry. If capital interests…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

No it's not, and I just told you precisely why. Businesses can't send people with guns to your house to cart you off to a cage for the rest of your life is you refuse to be plundered by them. But you chose to ignore that point, it seems ...

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Yes, direct power, very scary and loud, I’m aware of it, but I recognize the power of indirect action in this kind of system. Companies don’t need to send you to prisons, there’s always other customers, and most of the big companies form into bigger and bigger ones that own more and more industry until avoiding them is literally impossible, meaning you’d have to starve or lack that entire service in order to avoid that company, essentially making your dependence on them absolute and immovable. If you try to break those companies up as one person, they’ll mercile…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

Allow me to introduce you to the concept of fascism. Fascism is when big business that would not in a free market have political power, use the criminal cartel we call "government" to plunder their fellow citizens and annihilate competition. How do they do this? Take for example California's "minimum wage" of $20. What that does is it outlaws all jobs under $20 an hour. It creates unemployment and poverty. But it also annihilates emerging small businesses, who can't afford to pay their employees such ludicrously high wages, and inflicts massive losses on medium sized businesses. But the Big Businesses know how to adjust to these circumstances with ease, finding ways to automate their operations and replace human labor with machine labor. In a free market, they would not do that without major scrutiny and outcry from the public that would inflict monetary losses on them. So big businesses are using this as an excuse to fire people, especially white Christian males, Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Fascism is about the merger of corporate and state power into monopolized industries that were supposedly to be controlled by government (in their extremely short and weak theory), but instead enable one another and turn the powers of economic and political imperialism jnwards on their own society, creating what is essentially capitalism in decay. Cronyism is a step towards that process, but the destruction of cronyism does nothing to address the innate problems of capitalism itself choosing to move towards this cronyism. We would have to fight back against cronyism using government if we don…  Read more

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