Try the political quiz

6 Replies

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

The British were a massive government in the first place, they were the problem a large portion of the time. From the Sepoy Rebellions to the Opium Wars, the British were nearly ALWAYS the bad guys. The collapse of that empire was merely another nail in the coffin of Africa’s growth, but what the British were doing is precisely what we do now: exploit without consent, give a portion back, create bigger issues fighting their resistance, leave, watch the chaos destroy them. I’m very few circumstances am I okay with america colonizing others, and the exact same goes with the British,…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

Unless you count the fact that White, Christian Britain was the First Nation in thousands of years of human existence since Creation to not only question human slavery but to take meaningful action against it, abolishing the Slave Trade throughout the entire Empire in 1807 and banning all slavery, period in 1833 throughout its Empire. It then went through Africa in its colonising expeditions liberating more humane tribes from the savagery of cannibals and slave-driving tribes who oppressed them, hunting down and putting to justice slave traders across the continent and doing everything in its…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

For starters, that was Haiti, which abolished the trade of slaves and slavery in its country in 1804. Jefferson made sure to try and strange their nation economically though, but that’s besides the point. The British abolished slavery because nations and areas like Haiti were rebelling, and Britain didn’t want to deal with the revolts, nor did they wish to deal with the widespread protest their government was facing. The French and British only ever banned slavery beforehand inside of their nation upon white residents, instead opting for indentured servitude that was, for Al pract…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…3mos3MO

Maybe I should have said first "notable" nation because of Haiti, but whatever. Point still stands. Apparently you have no understanding of the British Slave Trade – they didn't abolish it to stop slaves from rebelling, the abolished it because of the diligent efforts of Whig MPs William Wilberforce and Edmund Burke ("The Father of Anglo-American Conservatism") who revealed in the halls of Parliament through fiery speeches the evils of the slave trade and fired all Britain up with moral outrage that led to the destruction of the slave trade. Morality and humanit…  Read more

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…3mos3MO

For starters, when I say the government was coerced and abolished slavery for self-preservation, rioting of slaves was one of many factors, and I’m not saying their government was a homogeneous entity. They had a lot of internal discourse in a one-party majority state. The Whigs were a minority for a while beforehand, and the Tories did require public pressure to create the necessary push for anti-slavery policy. The Tories needing that pressure was how I mean it when I say their government required coercion and did it out of self-preservation, because the Tories would be entirely voted…  Read more

 @9L2YXWG from Kansas commented…3mos3MO

The government is only as evil as the people that hold the position. Incentives and accountability need to rethought to discourage bad or criminal behavior since all humans are capable of evil.

I agree that we should stop send tax dollars out of the country. I would only consider foreign aid if there were no homeless vet or citizens, less crime, better edu, health care, and a secure border. I don't understand sending money to Israel when they are a richer nation per-capata with health care for all citizens

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