Try the political quiz

4 Replies


White privilege isn't the idea that all white people have it easy, but that white people inherently have social privileges that other minorities do not have.

 @9K9LXBV from Nebraska  disagreed…1yr1Y

Nobody said they we white people had it easy. Everyone has their own issues. The thing about white privilege is, that our issues usually aren't tied to race. I deal with issues such as the recent loss of my friend to suicide, but that didn't happen to me because I am white, and it could've happened to anyone. Meanwhile, a person who isn't white has to deal with issues we white people don't. As a white person, you don't have to worry about walking down the street only to get lynched because of the color of your skin. You don't have to worry about being stuck…  Read more

 @9K9KQNB from Nevada  disagreed…1yr1Y

Systemically white people have it easier, they have built the society to best support them, that little things like buying a product specfically for POCs (i.e a hairbrush) it is still more costly then the white counterpart. There are other bigger instances as well, where society is set up for POCs to not succeed in the same way white people are set up to succeed.

 @9K9J784 from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

just because someone is white and still has troubles in their lives doesn’t mean they do not have white privilege. If your troubles do not stem from your race then you have white privilege and have never experienced racial discrimination

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