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I don't believe that white privilege is a thing. White people have been enslaved just like other races have been. (Ottoman Slave Trade) I think that black privilege is more of a thing in this country today, look at how much they can say and do. Black people can say racist things about white people and get away with it, but whites can't do that with black people.
Black people have been historically discriminated against in this country. For the longest time in America, white privilege was a huge issue. It may not be so big of an issue anymore, but it still exists and is still an issue here.
Assuming you are a white person living in the USA what lasting effects does the Ottoman Slave Trade have on you? My guess (unless you are from the region your talking about) is basically none. That is not true for black people living in the USA. The same country that enslaved them and didn't give them full equal rights until 70 years ago still has yet to make good on the evil that was done to them. For the years prior to their emancipation and later gaining of civil rights they were effectively held back from building wealth, while the white man was able to get ahead, secure good jobs and build generational wealth. Black people were not afforded this ability and as a result we see a disproportionate number of black people in poverty today compared to white people.
There is no systemic abuse towards white people, the government and all its attribute are built around harming Black people
That although this is true, that does not mean that the Ottoman Empire only enslaved white people. They had enslaved tons of other ethnic groups and the Ottoman Empire is not the only nation to enslave any race for any reason. Not only that, this alleged concept right after the reference to the Ottoman Slave Trade does not mean you suddenly get the right to say racist things to black people. Hate speech is hate speech, no matter who says it.
I don't believe people today of the white race have a privilege over other races.
Systematically, if you are white, you have an advantage over other people, that is how it has been since the beginning of time.
In this day and age 'White privilege' still exists, they still control a lot more, and are able to do a lot more today. It's easier for white people to get more privileges than it is for people of color, people of color still get treated way differently in most areas. People of color are a lot easier to get in trouble, won't get hired because of the color of their skin, and the same problems we've had since back then.
When you go down to it there are going to be racist people and that automatically gives more privileges to "white people".
@9YJS25T 4mos4MO
Not sure if we are talking global or national, but I would amend your last sentence to include automatically in places where whites are a majority of the population and/or where they hold a large majority of elected positions or financial power. This would likely not be the case if a white person or family were trying to make their way in Gambia or Polynesia.
white Americans tend to always seem like they have it all, they don't have to worry about their citizenship because they were naturally born here. it's often show how great Americans have it; white Americans have this rich look to them, and because of that, it usually causes people to envy them or even hate them.
because a lot of people were taught that white people are more important but all races are important. so people need to grow up and open their eyes and see that they are being rude.
It's so much more than that answer but it is on the starting of it. Most people are not just ¨being rude¨ when they don't believe in white privilege.
Yes white people thought they were the most important last almost 100 years ago in my opinion, we have changed immensely as a nation and need to look past this demonization of our racist past as an outlook to our future. No race is more important than the other and this should very well be rippled throughout our society, We grow up hating eachother because of a bunch of crap we are fed from bad actors and people who just genuinely enjoy watching racial and cultural carnage. All facets of history should be taught for all to know what everybody in this world has faced.
White privilege only exists if you are willing to agree that privilege for other races exists as well. White people are not special.
I think many people struggle so much because they do not take the nuances of being anti racist vs not racist into account. I think white privilege is something being unknown and constantly used to hold people of color down in society. These come into account because being anti racist is to conciously avoid utilizing white privilege and falling into systemic racism. You must physically reject these constructs, as it is not enough to just avoid or be just not racist. This is something important for people to at least acknowledge the effect that it has, and the benefits that white people continue to receive over people of color and how it is always easier for them to achieve things of similiar results.
anti-racism is still racism because the definition of racism is the prejudice against or preference to a particular race. Thus you are creating racism against white people, we are still human and disserve to be treated with respect like every human being should be on earth and I consider everyone human that hasn't murdered anyone. It's call common human decency. Learn it.
No such thing as white privileged. Who works for what they want is all that matters.
White people should acknowledge that throughout history they have always been 5 steps ahead of black and brown people. But white privilege isn’t the only privilege. Males have certain privilege in society that females don’t. American citizens have a privilege compared to immigrants in our country. And so on. Acknowledgement is the best step rather than dismissing the struggles of the less privileged.
the whole woke racist stuff is bull **** just treat others like how you want to be treated
People well understand what white privilege is. When white people "don't understand" it just shows how much they fail to pay attention to literally everything that has happened in world history.
Racism differs from bias, which is a conscious or unconscious prejudice against an individual or group based on their identity
Racism implies marginalization and in order to be marginalized you have to come from a community that is actively being oppressed. White privilege exists because no matter what bias or mean comments a white person faces, at the end of the day they have many more opportunities than a person of color who is of a similar education, experience, etc. Ultimately, a white person in America does not experience any oppression that affects their life in nearly the same way it is for a person of color and that is exactly what white privilege is.
Some individuals may find it challenging to grasp the concept of 'white privilege' due to a lack of personal experience with systemic inequalities. Explaining it involves highlighting the unearned advantages that come with being perceived as white in a society where racial biases exist, acknowledging that it doesn't negate personal struggles but rather emphasizes the need for equity and dismantling systemic barriers.
I believe that there is white privilege and no-white privilege. I am a white male in my 20s. I didnt see a "white male" scholarship when I applied for collage.
In order to understand white privilege you would have to see or experience it over time. I would explain white privilege as bias treatment based on the color of one’s skin.
To understand white privilege you must compare and see first hand your experience in America vs another's, and how certain situations are different due to a color of the skin,
There is no white privilege, I wasn't given that treatment anyway. But theres rich and poor treatment.
- There is such a thing called "white privilege" most people don't receive that energy which is good, but many people do. It all depends on the type of people your surrounded around.
I think especially white teenagers do because we hear about equality everywhere like social media so we don't assume it is a problem.
We are all men and women. With no advantage against one another in race. There are homeless white men and women along with homeless black men and women. They either made a life-changing decision, choose to stay homeless, or physically incapable of getting themselves out of their position.
It is because of the way they are raised, they need some sort of teaching from both arguments and then make their personal decision, some but not all forms of white privilege are still around.
Some people don't even understand white privilege and might not even think it is a bad thing because of what they grew up around
To be honest, I didn't understand the consept of white privilege, because I thought it was just plain racism and thinking that your better than someone as a white person. However, it's actually systemic, how the deck is stacked in favor of white people, this isn't necessarily intentional however it happens.
I understand that " white privilege" is systemic and in favor of white people but why do they have that favor, every time any? I mean any African American speaks their mind the words are twisted and we're getting the blame so it may be " white privilege " because of our economy but things won't turn around unless all and every side can be heard.
@9QSSG73Peace and Freedom8mos8MO
They probably don't understand it because they struggle financially or something similar to that and so don't see that they have privilege
Some people struggle to understand 'white privilege' because they base their understanding on personal experiences and may not see direct racial benefits in their lives. Misconceptions about privilege, often associated with wealth or an easy life, can also lead to resistance. Additionally, discussions about white privilege can feel accusatory, prompting defensive reactions that hinder open-mindedness.
@9QFPX6QPeace and Freedom8mos8MO
White privilege still exists today, but isn't as prevalent as in the past. I think some people have claimed to be victims of white privilege but really have not.
There is no such thing as "White Privilege", it's only viewed as that because of the fact of over-stimulated media pushing out ideas that being white is bad.
I believe that white people currently have the same rights and freedoms as every other race.
They grew up without knowing the privilege that they have as a white person.
It is because of the way they are raised or they are taught at a young age. We should educate them on all races and then let them decide on their world views. White privilege is a way that only a white person may gain an advantage because of their race over someone non-white even if the non-white applicant is more qualified for the action.
most people who struggle to understand it are white but there has always been a feeling of dominance in the caucasian race because they feel superior to others with color and feel as if they rule and are above everyone else.
Well as a white person I don't know what black people feel like and what other people do to make them feel like the person of opposite race has some kind of privilege over the other person because they have more melanin. In my opinion I know white people and black people and some of my white friends have had a much harder upbringing than some of my black friends so it could just depend on how the person is raised and what they believe. I don"t think race defines a person in any way we are all unique aside from our skin tone. I think the issue would definitely be less potent if people weren't taught about it in school. Its like putting in our brains that judgement is natural for us and that shouldn't be taught.
The subject of racial privilege is highly misguided at best and malicious at worst, the best way to combat racism is to stop talking about it and ignore skin color.
People dont realize that Americas socirty unfortuantely
To a degree, there is white Privilege, but Not everyone has life easy and shouldn't be seen this way
@9KCPS7W 1yr1Y
They struggle because they haven't lived the experience of being a POC;.
White Privilege is something we have been raised into believing, which is incredibly difficult to reverse.
Yes because in certain cases whites are held higher than any other race.
It's difficult if you have not been exposed to diverse cultures to understand the impact of racism.
Because some people are stupid racist who have been raised by stupid racist.
White privilege is a myth, as of now any other races besides white will have better chances of getting jobs, getting into college, and free government necessities.
Some people fail to see it not because they're racist but because of how our society has come to accepted the terms of these behaviours.
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