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7.2 Million Illegals Entered The US Under Biden

 @VettedVotePorcupineRepublicanfrom North Carolina commented…7mos7MO

This is actually insane and it’s by design. Biden is importing so many illegals that it’s enough to replace conservative voters in many swing states.

 @CreativeSeagullConstitution from New York commented…7mos7MO

It’s almost like there is a plot to undermine democracy and install a dictatorship.

Or maybe that happened in 2020 and we are just now noticing…

BTW, who’s really in charge?

 @VettedVotePorcupineRepublicanfrom North Carolina commented…7mos7MO

Laws need to be passed barring anyone who has entered illegally from voting due to their illegal entry. Illegally entering the country should void their ability to vote.

 @VettedVotePorcupineRepublicanfrom North Carolina commented…7mos7MO

Great! ENFORCE THEM! Punish their Aiders & Abetters with extreme prejudice!

 @PluckyCougarDemocrat from California commented…7mos7MO

Please find me substantiated claims of multiple illegal immigrants voting in a national, presidential election.

And of course the operative word is “substantiated” not just ‘my brother saw a Mexican guy at the polls’