Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @AmiableRadicalRepublican from Ohio  commented…1yr1Y

On August 16, 2020, Joe Biden tweeted: “Here’s my promise to you: If I’m elected president, I will always choose to unite rather than divide. I’ll take responsibility instead of blaming others. I’ll never forget that the job isn’t about me — it’s about you.”

The immigration problem is entirely Biden’s fault. He invited migrants to come here. He said: “If you’re fleeing oppression, you should come." He opened the border. He has flagrantly failed to enforce US immigration law. He has failed to assume responsibility for his many failures. Blaming Trump is laughable. But laughable would describe the Biden administration.

 @OpulentActiv1stRepublicanfrom Nebraska  commented…1yr1Y

Come one, come all, and remember to vote Democrat just as soon as you get the chance. That's the Biden strategy in simple terms.

That opportunity to vote Democrat will come as early as November 2024 for those who, assisted by the NGOs, successfully and illegally navigate the systems.

 @AmiableRadicalRepublican from Ohio  commented…1yr1Y

The border bill was a sham, intended to turn a tsunami into tidal waves of humanity. And given his record of ignoring standing statutes, we can be sure Biden wouldn’t enforce the border bill after he was re-elected.

The Democratic Party’s policy remains asylum for all who can get here.

 @OpulentActiv1stRepublicanfrom Nebraska  commented…1yr1Y

I'd change that slightly: "The border bill was a sham, intended to turn an illegal tsunami into a legal tidal waves of humanity." It would have actually made it virtually impossible to ever control the border.

 @AmiableRadicalRepublican from Ohio  commented…1yr1Y

It strikes me as ludicrous that he wants to rush tens of billions of dollars overseas while we have a crisis on our own border of his making.


What do you think is the impact on voters when politicians blame each other for ongoing crises, especially regarding immigration?

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