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2 Replies

 @helloitsnatalia from Kansas  disagreed…4mos4MO

your argument rests on an appeal to the authority of grifter with no credential or credibility in gender science, biology, or even actual psychological science (hes a jungian therapist). you have no idea what youre talking about and are just another malinformed bigot pretending to care about people while actively poisoning the discourse.

 @B3D9KKS from Idaho  commented…4 days4D

#2 Engaged Social Issues

@Ars-Gratia-Artis is actually making a valid and well explained point. He is not hating on transgender people, but instead suggesting that there are other treatment options for gender dysphoria than changing genders. He does say that teenagers are one of the most mentally unstable demographics and that is why they should wait until they are older, but he does see transitioning as an option for adults (he literally said, "I'm not saying transitioning isn't an option.") Also, how is he a bigot, and how is he "actively poisoning the discourse"? Allowing different…  Read more


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