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12 Replies

 @CruelJellyfishRepublican from California commented…6mos6MO

My vote for the most ridiculous phrase to ever come out of Washington is “Palestinian peace process.”

A process moves forward. Which is the opposite of what Hamas and the Palestinians have wanted. Every time they’ve had a chance for peace, they turned their backs on it.

They hate Jews more than they love peace.

It’s as simple as that.

 @HumorousCamelGreenfrom Arizona commented…6mos6MO

Israel is going the way of South Africa. Full blown apartheid and more and more boycotts.

 @CruelJellyfishRepublican from California commented…6mos6MO

20% of Israel’s citizens are Arabs with full voting rights. Which they used to elect Arab members of the Knesset. Arab residents if the West Bank are not citizens so have no voting rights. And the West Bank and Gaza were conquered in a war that was started by Egypt, and joined by Jordan , which Israel begged to stay on the sidelines. Remember when Obama said elections have consequences? Wars do too.

The Palestinians unfortunately have the best record in the world for making bad decisions and that’s why they are without their own state.

 @PartisanHazelDemocrat from Wisconsin commented…6mos6MO

No one in their right mind should want a "Palestinian Peace Process. " What's needed is a Palestinian surrender process.

 @IdealisticHannahLibertarianfrom Iowa commented…6mos6MO

"never fight a land war in Asia", the classic blunder. America should get out, that's why Trump was voted in the first time. Europe needed the third years war, the eighty years war, and WW1+WW2 to get that idea of forever wars out of their system. Maybe that's what Asia & the Middle East need too to get that fool notion out of their heads. Of course now it's with nuclear weapons, so maybe not....

 @9J82W3M from South Dakota commented…6mos6MO

I'm not confident in Biden's ability to effectively manage any middle east crisis.

 @9J7ZHPJ from New Jersey commented…6mos6MO

Concern we are heading towards a world war due to mis-reads by many, not just Biden.

 @9J7JJX7Republican from California commented…6mos6MO

 @P0pularVot3EvaRepublicanfrom Michigan commented…6mos6MO

Let's get real folks. The current administration in three short years has created crisis throughout the world due to their feckless appeasement policies.

They are now turning their back on Israel, trying to force a "two state solution" that neither side wants with Hamas going further saying that the total destruction of the Jewish state is the only solution.

Iran proxies are doing the dirty work for their paymasters and America is silent.

Given the Admin's role in not confronting Iran, I, for one, wonder if Iran's push to destroy Israel is silently supported by this…  Read more

 @9J7FSX9 from Nebraska commented…6mos6MO

Don't know much about it, but it's important to know if our president makes the right decisions if there is good evidence.


Considering the ongoing violence, should the US prioritize the defeat of Hamas over diplomatic resolutions to support Israel’s position?


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