Try the political quiz

6 Replies

  @GloopdevIndependent from Massachusetts  commented…9mos9MO

National Socialism is an ideology which wishes for the nation to sieze the means of production rather than the proletariat. The underlying concept in which one must gain control over production is shared between nazis and socialists. Some classical Fascists believed that a fascist revolution is actually a socialist revolution because they believed certain societies to be proletarian in nature. Regardless, your characterization of corporatism is very volatile, why? What is so evil about corporatism and fascism as a whole that makes you so enraged against it? Lastly, National socialism is not the same as fascism, there are foundational differences regarding the nature of the state and the nation which puts them in different categories.

  @Renaldo-MoonGreen  from Pennsylvania  disagreed…5mos5MO

Its interesting that you say National Socialism and Fascism are different. While yes they go about achieving goals differently, National Socialism was created by Hitler. He added the "National" to the name to appeal to right wing people who regain the glory of the old Germany and "Socialism" was added to take votes from the communist party and to appeal to the working class. "National Socialism" was only created to gain votes and party members. Also Nazi Germany was governmental structure the exact same as Fascist Italy under Mussolini and facist Spain under Franco showing that "National Socialism" and "Fascism" are the same thing

  @@1876-Elbert from Colorado  commented…4mos4MO

Engaged Socialism

You'll find that many terrible people have called themselves 'Christians' Look at the crusades!

 @B2NZQXK from Minnesota  commented…1mo1MO

#1 Engaged Adolf Hitler

Muslims were attacking Christian strongholds and were threatening Iberia and the Balkans. Also, Christians were being persecuted in the holy land. The first three crusades were beyond justified.

 @B2NZQXK from Minnesota  commented…1mo1MO

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