Try the political quiz

3 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington disagreed…5mos5MO

That's the stupidest claim in eternity. The number of couples waiting to adopt children in this country (2 million) is more than 250% greater than the annual abortion figures in this country (approx. 700,000). If you are legitimately afraid you can't care for the child, one of these 2 million decent couples will gladly raise it to stop you from murdering it. There's no such thing as an unwanted life with stats like these.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…5mos5MO

I explained my point in the other message you posted, though I’ll continue with extra reasoning. There aren’t always ways out of that situation where an abortion isn’t done. That could would be tied to her and her husband, and as such, would likely be required by the court to stay. There’s a thousand possibilities, and she DID consider adoption, but that wasn’t the life she wanted for her child. She didn’t WANT to do the abortion, but she felt she HAD to, and I will not judge her in the slightest for it. A situation is always more complicated than simply providing a sentence-long solution.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

I don't give a d@mn if how murderers "feel" about their decision to murder someone, or how they justified it, what I care about is how the FLAMING VICTIM "felt" about having his right to life blatantly and violently denied in the must inhuman and abominable way. That's the problem with the issue of Life – people's emotions are convoluting the discussion and distorting rational thought and consideration of fundamental moral laws like THOU SHALT NOT MURDER. Abortionists emotions have no place in an issue that means life or death to six million children worldwide per year. The only emotion we should experience is righteous anger at the blood of these innocent children, slaughtered in cold blood, their bodies, torn limb from limb, crying out to God for vengeance.

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