Libertarians are once again saddled with a candidate they have little to no say in nominating and few if any actual libertarians will vote for. The underhanded means by which the left "libertarians" will employ to maintain their relevance is evidence of disingenuousness of their commitment to libertarian ideas. Chase Oliver has ensured that the only route to relevancy or implementation of libertarian ideas lies with the Republicans. Libertarian's are without a candidate and the LNC should just scrap their efforts for 2024 and look to mend the damage to the parties reputation that Chase Oliver has brought. The Party must first focus on becoming a party that the majority of libertarians want to be associated with.
He's not that bad. He's a woke libertarian but he's still a libertarian. I'm anti-woke (I even view wokeism as Marxism) but I don't really have a problem with him and see him as the least bad option this cycle, because at the end of the day he understands that libertarianism is the only political philosophy that allows the woke and anti-woke to live their respective lives and pursue their respective goals in peace. Plus Trump isn't a libertarian and Biden and Kennedy definitely aren't.
@88R97JT 9mos9MO
Thank you for being a reasonable human being!! I can't fathom that anyone would want to ruin the party's chance to gain more success all because they don't agree with some of the stances of the candidate. It's that select group of individuals who make me question if this has been their plan all along. The infighting within the party has gotta go!
Can you please tell me what woke even means at this point
@88R97JT 9mos9MO
The thing is, most Libertarians do want Chase. The minority who are incredibly loud are the ones ruining the party's reputation. Let's take LPCO for example. They are barring Oliver/ Ter Maat from being on their ballot, which lessens the LP's chances of moving forward, all because a select group doesn't agree with him on a couple of issues. While those in CO who are in support of their campaign can write them in, they shouldn't have to do that. Other states are unfortunately thinking about going in the same direction. All this is gonna do is further divide the party even more than it already has been.
@LucidKarmaIndependent 9mos9MO
That incredibly vocal minority (Mises caucus) confuses me as to why they even associate themselves as libertarians since they align themselves so close to Trump and the Republican party. The whole point of the LP is to stand up to both major parties’ authoritarian and anti-freedom agendas and to give disenfranchised, fiscally responsible and government-skeptic independents and moderates a new home. But after they brought Trump and Ramaswamy on to speak at the convention (who both advocate for using the power of the federal govt to deport hardworking tax-paying migrants like my partner and pour more taxpayer dollars into the military and “counterterrorism efforts”) it feels like they wanna merge with the GOP and become basically just a Tea Party 2.0 to help them win elections again.
I like him.
As a trans woman, I appreciate his sane position on the rights of Americans to free expression of our gender identity.
As an economist, immigration reform is the policy that has the single biggest potential to increase our GDP per capita the most, so that matters to me. Chase has the best position of any candidate I've seen.
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