Try the political quiz

3 Replies

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…7mos7MO

There is no systemic racism against white people because we exist under a culturally white supremacist-dominated system. That's why the statistics routinely show a disparity against people of color, but not against white people. There is no structural threat against white people.

Secondly, "white people" is not even a real race, and "white culture" is also not a real thing. People have pale skin, sure, but what constitutes "white people" has changed throughout history, based solely on the white supremacist beliefs of an in-group vs the out-group. Italians wer…  Read more

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington disagreed…6mos6MO

here is no systemic racism against white people because we exist under a culturally white supremacist-dominated system.

It's unbelievable how ignorant you are. Look at the Affirmative Action programs the government pushes for both private and public hiring, prioritising minorities based upon no foundation but the colour of their skin over white people. The dictionary definition of racism is "prejudice against a certain ethnicity"? Prejudice galore! People should be hired because of hard-work, merit, morality, and other such considerations, not because of their skin-colour. To suggest otherwise is racist. It is possible to be racist against the majority ethnicity. And apparently, you're fine with that.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…6mos6MO

Did you know that according to the US Labor Department, the group of people that have benefited most from Affirmative Action since the 60's is actually white women? Here's a link from ACLU about it:

Secondly, Affirmative Action is what is known as "corrective legislation", meaning that it, as the name suggests, is legislation made to correct prevalent and preexisting…  Read more

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