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7 Replies

 @9H3KHV2Libertarian from Arizona  disagreed…1yr1Y

Higher minimum wages increase production costs, which then raises the prices of everything. Minimum wage is not meant to sustain a family, it is meant to teach someone how to work before they learn more valuable skills that merit a higher wage.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  disagreed…1yr1Y

Minimum wage is not meant to sustain a family, it is meant to teach someone how to work before they learn more valuable skills that merit a higher wage.

That is historically and logically untrue. Minimum wage was explicitly designed so that EVERY worker would be guaranteed the wage to afford a quality life. The notion that minimum wage is only meant to be some kind of "starter wage" is blatantly ahistorical and anti-worker.

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington  disagreed…1yr1Y

The number one rule of good economics is to not just look at the effects certain laws and programs have on favoured groups, but rather to study how they affect society as a whole. And while minimum wage laws might in theory help those lucky few workers who keep their jobs, there is much more to take into thoughtful consideration.

For starters, if the employer is forced to pay more money to each worker by the government, he will have to compensate for the extra expense by (1) reducing the numbers of workers under his care, thus reducing employment and harming a large amount of workers (2) cut…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  disagreed…1yr1Y

I find it incredibly funny that you do not recognize how all of this:

"if the employer is forced to pay more money to each worker by the government, he will have to compensate for the extra expense by (1) reducing the numbers of workers under his care, thus reducing employment and harming a large amount of workers (2) cutcorners and costs of his product, which is seldom good for quality and often makes things much more poorly-made than ever before (3) raising the prices of the goods he produces, which inevitably forces consumers (including the workers who are now earning higher wages) to…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington  corrected…1yr1Y

So your "solution" is expecting people to work without the benefit of pay or a chance to rise in station in the world (it being a classless society) – that people who do not work will make just as much as those who do work? You must have great faith in the purity of human nature if you expect everyone to altruistic work for the common good with nothing in it for them, hold hands, and sing koom-bye-ya. Classless societies have been attempted before in history (yes I mean TRUE classlessness, not just a socialist dictator and a political ruling class dictating the lives of peasan…  Read more

 @9H3LHL8 from West Virginia  disagreed…1yr1Y

Adjusting minimum wage is bad for the economy, it makes people who go to college for a degree basically pointless if you can flip burgers for the same price as a professional.


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