Try the political quiz

8 Replies

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas answered…7mos7MO

Absolutely. No person should have access to luxuries in the first place until ALL people are guaranteed, at least, their basic human needs.

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…6mos6MO

By the government? That (no offence) is an utterly stupid idea. If government guarantees "basic human needs" by which you mean, if you are like most socialists, anarcho-Marxists, and other such people, "fair wages" "full employment" "free healthcare" "welfare" "universal education" than you must first consider how you'd pay for all that. That's right, YOU WOULD TAKE PEOPLE'S MONEY (that's what taxes are.) The definition of "stealing" is and I do quote the Oxford Dictionary of British English : "the…  Read more

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…6mos6MO

Firstly, "the government" should BE the public; the government should not be some kind of private or exclusive group of people that make decisions outside of the public's reach, the government should be all of us: the people in society. Anything less would be oligarchic, and if you claim to care about genuine freedom and liberty, then you'd agree. This is incredibly important and you should keep this in mind, because when I say "government", I am not talking about state politicians or presidents or any bureaucratic structures of hierarchy, I am talking about ever…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…6mos6MO

If you do not believe in God then all you have is relative morality and might-makes-right despotism. Please explain to me why you lack faith in God and I will be glad to discuss this all-important issue with you in depth.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…6mos6MO

Morality IS relative; it is entirely subjective because we made it up. Morality is nothing more than our own personal values and opinions on any given conflict or issue. There is nothing objective about it, that's why we rely on some form of laws to determine what we as a society will or will not allow. Without any kind of mutual agreement on what will or will not be acceptable within society, that is how you end up with some kind of "wild west" every-man-for-himself nonsense, because morality is not objective and people have different morals.

As for your question, I do not hav…  Read more

 @9H6NY8F from Indiana answered…7mos7MO

Yes, especially since I'm one of those less fortunate and know that my struggle is nothing compared to others