We need to value as a society the religious and social connotations that sex has, like we can't have sex just for the sake of having fun because it is a very intimate act and one that if not done correctly can lead to sin.
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I do not agree because not everyone is religious and people have different views. It is something that people should choose when they want to do it.
The Nazis also had *cough* different views, shall I say. Views that included gassing innocent Jewish people. So screw what you believe, murder is wrong, period.
Some people are forced into this sacred act without another choice. Personally, I’d never count this as a sin, given the circumstances. People always view abortion to victims of rape the same as a person who just didn’t want a baby. I think that is wrong and people need to consider/understand what victims of rape have went through and why they want an abortion.
I believe that sex is a powerful thing given to us by God. It is meant solely for the act of creating children and is an act of unification a HUSBAND and WIFE.
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
People like you are exactly why society can't progress...
People like you are the reason our society is regressing to barbarism and savagery.
Yeah they are right it should not be done unless you want a child, but at the end of the day just use protection not hard.
I think abortion should be banned in the United States because if a girl doesn't want a baby, then they shouldn't have sex in the first place. Several ways can stop a girl from getting pregnant like condoms, plan B, condoms for girls, etc.
Infidelity is an act that is often seen as a betrayal of trust and can cause significant emotional pain. However, while it's important to acknowledge the harm that infidelity can cause, it's also important to consider that there may be other factors at play that led to the situation. With that in mind, it's possible to have a differing opinion from the author's perspective on infidelity while still recognizing the complexity of the issue.
I agree with the fact that sex is sacred and should be reserved, but the sad reality is that we live in a world of hookups now. People who believe this can stay moral and keep their virginity, but those who don't care are going to do as they please and we can't stop them. Abortion should not be the answer because you decided to have unprotected sex with a stranger, just don't do it or use protection if you are.
We are all humans and we have our own choices but also some people have sex forcefully and have babies basically being raped and they had no choice
sex isn't always a sacred act; sometimes it is unfortunately used as an act of violence and those people who are victims shouldn't be looked down upon but rather helped.
People are free to believe that, but not everyone holds the same religious beliefs. It should be up to the government to then place laws based on those religious beliefs.
I agree, you should only have sex if you're expecting to get pregnant. I believe that's the reason many abortions happen because people have sex outside the context of marriage, which usually means they didn't want to get pregnant. I think if people had sex with the idea that they would/could get pregnant, then there would be a lot less abortions.
Religion is a man-made concept that should have no influence what so ever. Sex is the most basic human behavior. Look at every single mammal in the animal kingdom for instance. They have sex and lots of it. With anybody and everyone. The purpose of sex is to reproduce. PERIOD.
placing religious restrictions on something and using that as your one and only reason to see abortion as a negative thing, simply because it is the result of a sinful act, it short-sighted and biased.
I believe women have the right to do anything with their bodies. Even if it means they want to decide to have an abortion. Some girls have may gotten raped or another thing and they don't want to deal with a kid at such a young age or some other ladies aren't quite ready yet to go into motherhood.
Your Religious beliefs should not be forced on to those who do not believe in them. You have the right to practice your religion but that doesn’t mean you can force others into it because not everyone has the same beliefs.
That is a religious output on the view of abortion, not everyone has the same values with sex. You also have to think about the victims of sex-related crimes. abortion is for people who are not ready to have a child. you cant force your views on someone. if you don't like abortion or want one then don't get one, don't stop other people because of your specific belief.
Not everyone has the same religious beliefs, its their body their choice. If one chooses to have sex with multiple people in a short time span, that’s their business.
As a society, we should not be restricting services such as abortion based on religious means. It is a healthcare service and a Constitutional right. Sexual behavior is not something that should be limited by another, one should be free to do as they please.
Getting an abortion doesn't hurt anybody. I hate pro-lifers their the biggest hypocrites ever. they say you're killing a baby which is not true. pro-lifers don't actually care about babies their just a bunch of assholes with nothing better to do with their lives. If they really care then they can take actions like adopting 1, 2, or more of the thousands of kids that are in foster care. Oh they can also, speak up about the genocide happening in Palestine right now where over 100,000 of kids have been brutally murdered but of course their not going to do that.
Unfortununtly people can et taken advantage of by someone else who maybe isnt there significant other leading to a pregnacy.
We can’t stop an entire society from having sex when they want. The most we can do is provide safe options like birth control, condoms and abortion so that if someone does get pregnant when they don’t currently have the standing for it they have an option. If the option of a safe abortion is taken away people might turn to dangerous things.
One of the founding principles of this country was the separation of church and state. Public policy should not be determined on what one religion considers to be a “sin” but rather on what is popular and what increases quality of life.
It’s not really anyone’s business but their own what two consenting adults do in private, and banning abortion as a punitive measure for people who choose to have sex should not be within the rights of the government.
People choose to have sex for all sorts of reasons. People also choose to have abortions for all sorts of reasons.
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Sex is a sacred act is a statement rooted in bias, abortion is about a woman's right to choose. It's not about fun. Sex can happen for various reasons, sometimes rape, and in those cases the woman should have the right to abortion. Even beyond that, it is sometimes possible that mistakes happen and the parents are not in a. good position to have a child. It would be a disservice to said child if the parents are unable to care for it, especially with the terrible foster care system we have in the united states.
People should be allowed to do what they want to do with their bodies. Other people’s opinions shouldn’t be considered in a private matter between two other people (people who aren’t involved in the situation shouldn’t have their opinions influence/restrict the people who are actually involved because it is none of their business).
I believe that you should have a choice to do what you want to do even if it is not the best decision it is your life and no one should be able to control it or tell you how to live it.
@9GZFG2G 1yr1Y
I also know that if you dont use protection it can lead to you getting pregnant as well . So if you know there was no protection involved you should be mentally and physically prepared , On the contrary of that rape , women complications can also be an issue as well.
law and religion shouldent mix, and it should be an individuals choice what they want to do with their own body.
That is subjective, you were obviously born into a religious family, which isn't inherently wrong, but our views will differ because of this. I feel differently about sex because I believe that sins are non existent and morality is completely built around the individual. Although I do think that abortion is destroying a potential life, that life has no grasp on reality or any form of consciousness so it doesn't really compare to a baby further along in development or a person that has actually been born into the world. I do however think that there should be a time period where abortion should not be considered an option because the baby has developed into a more comprehensive being. As for sex, its mainly on the people for not practicing safe sex and stupidly creating a life when they were not prepared for it.
That is all based off of religion. Sex is an act of intimacy that people can choose to have with whomever and whenever they want, other party willing. Sex is not only a need to concieve a child, but also to experience pleasure. To have pleasure one does not need to try for a baby or want one. Everyone does not have the same religiona nd every have different beliefs and that is the same for this topic. It is the persons choice and sex does not have to lead to sin, sex is only an act. We can have sex just for fun and there is no correct way to have sex providing that all parties give consent. Some situations can also be inevitable and people may not want to keep the baby for medical reasons or mental health or they may just no have the funds to give the baby a good life. Would you want the baby to grow up in an unstable environment?
People get raped and have no control over whether they want to have sex or not since it is being done out of their will.
Separation of church and state. Not everybody is a christian, therefore shouldn't be held to that sort of religious standard. A persons stance on sex is a personal moral and should not be infringed on. Just because your beliefs disapprove of their actions doesn't mean you have a government right to their body. Also, in cases of rape sometimes there is no way to prove you were raped, therefore forcing a woman to carry her rapists baby, and possibly giving said rapist parental rights.
Since America is a free country people are allowed to have all religious beliefs, one should not dictate the sexual decisions someone makes and whether they should keep a child or not.
While Sex is a sacred act, there are many people who don't get to choose. There are so many cases of rape and sexual assault all over the world and the Government should not only acknowledge that but also help the victims of this particular kind of abuse. There are also more people now than ever before that are not religious, so this argument does not mean a lot to them.
Rape is neither a sacred act nor one that should be with someone special. And, thus abortion should be available to each and every woman who chooses to have one. However, that cost should not be borne strictly on the government.
While I do understand opposition to abortion and sex before marriage due to a religious factor, the First Amendment gives us the Freedom of Religion. While you may not want to participate in sex before marriage or abortions because of your religious viewpoints, not everyone agrees with your religion, and not everyone should be forced to follow your religion.
My personal opinion is that abortion should be legal. For many reasons, one is that it is the woman's body. which is her right to privacy according to the 14th Amendment. Another reason would be that I think a child should have a good home rather than having an unborn baby being put into a world that may give them trauma.
It depends on how she got pregnant. It’s not the woman’s fault if she was raped, pressured, or sexually assaulted/abused. She should not be shamed or looked down upon if there was absolutely nothing she could’ve done to prevent it. While it is a sin having unmarried sex, and killing the unborn, if the man was to blame, she should definitely have the right to choose. I’m not condoning abortion, I truly think that if you get pregnant at all, it’s not a mistake or coincidence. But, I am condoning a right to choose, for the sake of her life, and the life her baby would have.
Not everyone follows the same religion, therefore not everyone should be held to the same religious standard.
@9H4W2HK 1yr1Y
You are welcome to your beliefs, but not everyone feels the same, and you should not base laws around your own beliefs when the country is filled with people with all different views.
There is no scientific declaration on when life officially starts. It is merely an opinion and always originated as an opinion. Nowadays the opinion usually stems from a branch of compassion vs the lack there of.
First of all, some women are raped and impregnated by their rapist. They should not be forced to have their rapist's baby as it is a constant reminder of the abuse they suffered, and it was not conceived willingly. I do not think it is wrong to have sex before marriage because everyone should be able to explore their sexual identity, but if a woman does so and gets pregnant, she should have the right to abort the fetus if she is unable to provide for it and give it a good childhood. I feel as though the foster care system, malnutrition, etc. are worse issues than abortion. Lastly, there are only religious connotations to sex if the individual having sex is religious.
That is an argument based around non-universal religious ideals, which doesn't/shouldn't hold weight in a debate around government and law. This opinion is purely subjective, unlike the health and well being of women.
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