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27 Replies

 @9GXFYB3Independent from North Carolina  disagreed…1yr1Y

i dont think college should be free for everyone, however i do believe that more scholarships should be available to lower income households or maybe even first generation college attendees

 @9GZZSZ2Republican from Maryland  disagreed…1yr1Y

College should be free to all, because not everyone who "earns" their way into college has the appropriate funding to let them carry out their college career. It is one person's own choice to not try in school, but those who earn their place in college, obviously will not decide to do that.

 @9GXK7GT from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

I believe that the prices of community college are reasonable enough for anyone to find an odd job or savings in order to attend. There should be federal aid for people in situations where this is not affordable though such as being a teen parent or under a certain living wage based on income/hours worked yearly. Private universities should NOT be free as this would propel our country into more debt…

 @9GXG3WHRepublican from Wisconsin  disagreed…1yr1Y

College should never be free because college is a choice and it's known that college is very expensive. Students need to pre-plan and budget for college. They can also use their education to work towards scholarships to help pay the prices.

 @9GXXZ44Democrat from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

This claim is untrue, college and universities hold themselves to a high standard amongst staff and students. They require certain GPA grades in order to maintain a position at the university, making the amount students are paying ridiculous. If college was free for all then we’d have more alumnus , more adults with accredited degrees , and more adults with better job opportunities . You cannot “earn” something you are paying for, but you can earn and hold your position in the institution

 @9GYLHTL from Idaho  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree because people would have a higher chance at getting a good job and it would give a higher employment rate.

 @9GYL9TVWomen’s Equality from Indiana  agreed…1yr1Y

I think that college is earned, we go through 12+ years of general education, and you have to be accepted into the college you want this is a process that is earned and should be free.

 @9GYGZC7 from Utah  agreed…1yr1Y

I think it shouldn't be free but we need it to be less expensive there is no reason the school needs around 7,000 a semester for schooling that is a waste of our money and a scam in the college school system it puts a lot of stress in the student's life and makes a lot of people who have potential to not go to college, the school doesn't use the extra money for anything, if we payed around 500 a semester we would be better off a lot of us would spend more than a community college and would be less stressed about gaining money to pay for college.

 @9GXYSPM from Florida  agreed…1yr1Y

Maybe it shouldn’t be free, but it also shouldn’t be crippling. Tuitions rates just keep going up, even those with aid and scholarships end up paying arms and legs for a degree that they might not use and might not help them.

 @9GXSSDBWomen’s Equality from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

I partially agree with this comment, it's not fair those who have worked hard and those who haven't to attend college for free but there are some people who want to go and can't afford it no matter how hard they try to work for it.

 @9GXJD9Y from New York  agreed…1yr1Y

i agree with free college because everyone should have the best option for a higher education and people shouldn’t be left out because they cant afford it

 @9GXF8NN from Alabama  agreed…1yr1Y

I do not agree. Everyone has the right to further their education. My own father couldn't go into a job he was passionate about because he simply could not afford the tuition for the required courses. To think college should be "worked for" is to completely ignore the privileged students who get in on their parents' money alone. You also need to consider the increasing amount of student loans that impede the American youth's ability to succeed in life. We cannot even buy a house.

 @9GXF5DV from Missouri  agreed…1yr1Y

I think college should be free because the current state of college tuition and loans makes it impossible for moany very deserving, but impoverished, individuals to attend without being forced into a loan that they will be paying off for the rest of their lives.

 @9H5HLGG from Iowa  agreed…1yr1Y

I do not agree with this because no everyone can pay for collage and so it gives the opportunity to the people a little less fortunate


No I believe college should be free for all students who wants to study and receive an education. It isn't fair how so many students have to live in debt just because they want to achieve careers that help our society such as doctors and lawyers. Why should I have to pay thousands of dollars for college if I am contributing to society in a positive way. If people do not wish to go to college or don't want to try at all, then they shouldn't attend college at all and waste the opportunities for people who actually try. The government should at least pay for college students who…  Read more

 @9H36L86 from Virginia  agreed…1yr1Y

Yes college is something that should be earned to those who have worked their hardest and for those who have not should not have a free hand out

 @9H2LNDH from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

Why do we have public schools up to 12th grade? The idea of public funded schooling is to raise the education level of our population which directly influences the economy in a positive way. An educated workforce is one of the main indicators of stability and economic growth worldwide. The more education you have the more money you make which then means the more money you put into the economy. We already fund 12 years of school. Add at least 2 more years for foundational learning that benefits not just the individual but the whole of America


I disagree. People should be entitled to their education, instead of having to pay for it. There are many smart people that can't afford a proper education because of economic struggle, and the government should work to prevent that.

 @9GYXPM2 from Illinois  agreed…1yr1Y

If grade school through high school is government funded, there's no reason college can't have the same opportunity.

 @9GXSQHSWomen’s Equality from Illinois  agreed…1yr1Y

I think it should be a free for all for SOME people. The kids who are not or didnt do good in high school should not be able to go to college, but the kids who tried and did'y really good in high school should because it shows us that they tried and cared enough to try and get in college.


I think everyone should have the choice to further pursue school or not. If college was free, more students would be happy and money would not be an issue. Money is the root to most problems.

 @9GXMSBZDemocrat from North Carolina  agreed…1yr1Y

I disagree becuase college is earned trough grades and there are many of those who do good acadmeically who still suffer from the finacial grip of college

 @9GXGWNG from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

I disagree, education should be free. What holds people back from seeking higher education is the high costs of attending; if it were free, I believe the people of our generation would love to learn what to their future. Although education is a privilege of today, it should not be treated as one.

 @9GXFRNQ  from Pennsylvania  agreed…1yr1Y

I think this is ridiculous, there are certainly people who have earned it who can't go to colleg and end up in debt, but also those who have parents who can pay, but he not necesarrily earned it,

 @9GXFJYT  from Alabama  agreed…1yr1Y

College should still be academically rigorous; however, allowing everyone an equal opportunity in college could potentially decrease poverty and crime rates. Student debt often scares people away from college and it feels unfair that you have to have a silver spoon to get through college without financial issues.

 @meendukLibertarian from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

The point of free high school is to get people ready to go out in the world on their own. We could expand high school to help people have a skill by the time they leave or to understand how to get through college, but there is no need to pay for college.

 @9GY44SH from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

The idea of making college free for all isn't about letting just anyone enter in. I understand the concerns for the fact that there may be students who see the free college program as a guaranteed thing and that would result in them not trying in maintaining their academic ethics. However, I think the idea should be that once a person has at least a high school diploma, and their academic records are adequate, then they should qualify for the free college program if it should be instated.


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