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28 Replies

 @9GS44XB from Utah  disagreed…1yr1Y

I don't think abortion should be legal because that is a life you are taking away, and most of the time it was that persons fault because they chose to do that.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  disagreed…1yr1Y

Are you saying that women should not be allowed to withdraw consent?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington  disagreed…4mos4MO

Engaged Abortion

He's saying babies shouldn't be murdered. To anyone with an Iq reading or the most minimal degree of morality, that's self-evidently obvious. Stop trying to obfuscate these conversations by turning to abstractions and Marxist philosophical false dilemmas. This isn't rocket science, it's the most simple possible political issue. Don't. Kill. People.

 @9GRW4BF from Ohio  disagreed…1yr1Y

A person's life shouldn't be denied due to inconvenience. They should be given the same opportunity to live as any other person.

 @9GSFGYB from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

The baby is a separate body from the mother. The case of rape or incest is heart breaking but most of the time it is just sex. Do not have sex if you do not want a baby.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  disagreed…1yr1Y

The fact that it is a separate body from the mother is exactly why it does not have a right to use its mother's body without her consent, just like everyone else. You just proved why abortion is justified.

  @@1876-Elbert from Colorado  disagreed…2mos2MO

Engaged Social Issues Engaged Abortion

By that logic, none of us should be here! Thank you, so much, for giving someone license to kill anybody they'd like because that somebody else borrowed something!

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington  disagreed…4mos4MO

Engaged Abortion

If you applied that twisted logic with any degree of consistency then landlords would have the right to massacre squatters. Just because someone is using something that's yours does not mean you have a right to kill that person, stupid.

 @9GRX8DH from Illinois  disagreed…1yr1Y

Women should not kill innocent lives. Life is more precious than a decision that a single person could possibly make. One life based on a biased decision will end up bad. Like a super villain going to hit the launch nuke button, It should be upon the choice of the man as well, you 2 decided to get it. The man gets a say.

 @9GRVYW8 from Maryland  disagreed…1yr1Y

While we do have freedoms, unborn children have freedoms as well that are equal to the freedoms of the mother. If the mother did not want the child, she should have thought about that before having sex and conceiving. Rules and regulations are there for a reason and, as long as they are not extreme, they should be followed because they are there to help.

 @9GRQF46 from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

I also think women have rights to do what they want with their body but also take responsibility for their actions as well. You have to think about this child’s life too and how everything happens for a reason.

 @9GRY9QH from Pennsylvania  disagreed…1yr1Y

I think that abortion should not be a main choice. I believe that under certain conditions it is ok, but shouldn’t be used because people were not safe.

 @9GSVQ6G from Louisiana  disagreed…1yr1Y

Every child in the womb is a baby, who will eventually develop into a full adult. It should never be murdered

 @9GRS37Z from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

You can freely control what happens to your body and the outcome of your body of which your are referring to, getting pregnant, by choosing to avoid sex. The argument of control over your body is also unreasonable considering that gaining "control" over your body means killing another's body.


It is your choice what to do with your body before you become pregnant. When you become pregnant, that is a living person and you are choosing to kill a living human. Since that human is not given a choice whether to live or die, abortion should be illegal.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  disagreed…1yr1Y

It is still actively using your body without your consent. No one, not even a fetus, has the right to use your body without your consent. Are you arguing that women are not allowed to withdraw consent when they no longer want someone using their body?

 @9GRQ6XFRepublican from West Virginia  disagreed…1yr1Y

10th Amendment allows for citizens of a state to use their voting authority to choose what is right or wrong for their state.

 @9GRXXQXRepublican from Washington  disagreed…1yr1Y

If a woman was to get pregnant when she wasn't ready for it, that is her own fault. she went into that knowing that there could be a possibility of her getting pregnant. The baby has no fault in that and should not pay with their life. there are many other options besides abortion.

 @9GRWS4Y from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

yes and no because although i do believe that women's rights and choice shouldn't be taken away from them, some women see it as its okay to have relations and not worry because they are free to get an abortion even if they weren't being smart and then continue that cycle.

 @9GRYNCR from Indiana  disagreed…1yr1Y

A baby is not your body, it's a person. Though it may reside IN your body, it's still a separate life, and not yours to kill.

 @9GS4JQF from New York  agreed…1yr1Y

Pro-choice. Can there be limits on abortions sure if the case of someone is having unsafe sex and getting pregnant and doesn't want it and just to get rid of the unborn baby then yes. But if you medically need an abortion because of a still birth then yes. If you were raped and pregnant, your choice on the matter. I'm sorry but why are a bunch of old egotistic men have a say on women's rights!?

 @9GS3S6PIndependent from Oregon  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with this for the most part. I think abortion is acceptable as long as it's within a timely manner.

 @9GS2ZMX from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

Yes I agree to this statement because a woman should not be forced to do something to her body she does not want to do no matter the circumstance or situation. It is that persons body and that persons choice weather to do so or not.

 @9GS2Z5R from Pennsylvania  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with this statement. I think that its insane that a bunch of old white men are controlling young women's health care.

 @9GRWP33 from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with this completely. Women, or anyone for that matter, should not be told what to do with their own bodies, it's their life and their choice, no one else's.

 @9GRWJKVDemocrat from California  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree, I believe women should have the right to decide what happens to their bodies. It is none of our business what women choose to do. If that means they want to have an abortion, then so be it.

 @9GRV9H7 from North Carolina  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree with a lot of things in this comment. I think if a woman is raped and ends up getting pregnant, under no circumstances should she be forced to carry the child to term and give birth to her rapist's baby. In many cases, the same lawmakers that push for a ban on abortions would persuade women they had an affair with the get an abortion themselves. So the pro-life movement (In my opinion) is fueled by personal motives, political vendettas, and opinions and women have gotten caught in the crossfire when it comes to control over their bodies. This could easily be switched to an argume…  Read more

 @9GRYMMK from Ohio  disagreed…1yr1Y

Abortion is a satanic sacrifice to Baal that dates back to the caananites. They would take their child and sacrifice them to an idol, and any infanticide is satanic and evil. In a perfect world everyone would go to church and abortion would be outlawed and sex offenders be publicly executed.


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