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4 Replies

 @9GQVGTV from California  agreed…1yr1Y

I think Nuclear Energy done right, with the correct protocols is safe, and the waste produced is much better than the waste produced in an equivalent coal plant.

 @9GQTVZ3 from New York  agreed…1yr1Y

This energy type should be adopted until 2035 and then it should be slowly phased out until 2050 for solar or wind energy, the government should be fun

 @9GQVC29Independent from California  agreed…1yr1Y

I think that nuclear energy is a vastly useful resource and agree that the precations taken make it an incredibly safe means of energy.

 @9GQV3KW from Kentucky  agreed…1yr1Y

100% agree, nuclear is without a doubt the cleanest source by yield volume we currently have available, and that will only increase with research into fission and fusion capabilities.


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