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37 Replies

 @9GSM76RWomen’s Equality from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

Donald trump destroyed so many rights, he made people feel horrible. Donald is an awful candidate and should not receive votes.

 @9HHBKBD from Iowa  commented…1yr1Y

Whos rights??

 @9RC46B8 from Utah  commented…8mos8MO

Women’s reproductive rights, religious rights for starters

 @9RVMD9Z from Pennsylvania  commented…7mos7MO

Name one right a man has that a woman does not.

 @M0derateMattDemocratfrom Texas  commented…7mos7MO

The right to make decisions about their own reproductive health without government interference.

  @WeThePeople1776 from Virginia  disagreed…7mos7MO

 @9GX3JYMDemocrat from Texas  disagreed…1yr1Y

Donald Trump was an instigator. Although he was good at forcing his way on most things, everything he seemed to do instigated someone. He may have “kept” peace but it was also a means to cover up the bad things he was doing on the side.

 @9GMLGT9Democrat from Alabama  disagreed…1yr1Y

Trump cares for nothing and no one if he isn’t personally enriched. The man wouldn’t waste his spit on the people who support him. He is a master manipulator and narcissist, a huckster who knows how to bend simple people to his will.

 @9LBPYHB from Missouri  disagreed…11mos11MO

Trump was a good president its just that Democrats hated him they never left him alone. They still haven't

 @9H2WGVN from Colorado  commented…1yr1Y

 @9GZ73VPDemocrat from Michigan  disagreed…1yr1Y

He doesn't care about working people. When he came to Michigan to speak to union workers, he went to a non-union factory to talk about his issues with the UAW to non-union workers. While his opponent is flawed and not the perfect advocate for working people, he was the first sitting President to stand at the picket line against corporations mistreating workers while also implementing labour rulings to protect workers trying to unionize by penalizing companies trying to stop a union election.

 @9GYP94B from California  disagreed…1yr1Y

We need someone that will be there for the people and that can enforce a law that will help people who are in need and he lowered the taxes and he also lowered the gas prices

 @wherestandpeacefrom California  commented…8mos8MO

Actually, he only lowered taxes for the 0.01% rich white men while he raised taxes for the rest of us.

 @9LN6JCBRepublican  from Texas  agreed…11mos11MO

First and foremost, Donald Trump is a BUSINESS MAN. He has been the most honest president in modern history, evident by the how he exposes what corrupt processes are being used by Congress and his competitors and openly admits to using the same processes to stay ahead. Don't hate the player, hate the game. He also admitted to running just to promote his business which as far as I know, makes him the first person since GEORGE WASHINGTON who didn't want the presidency. He should really learn to shut his mouth on Twitter, but we truly don't deserve such a good and just leader.

 @9GQ9NRY from Pennsylvania  disagreed…1yr1Y

Former President Trump had made the economy in a better state yes, but also during the early days of the pandemic, he did nothing to help and shot down stimulus payments for the economy to rebound and recover

 @9GMGXG4 from Colorado  disagreed…1yr1Y

Actually Donald trump is not what you think he is yes he has made do major accomplishment but he has done some bad things in his time and is worthy to lead and has been arrested on multiple acounts.

 @9GRNKR3 from South Carolina  disagreed…1yr1Y

He might not be the best person at heart but the way the economy ran and the way the us ran when he was president was almost as perfect as you can get it. people didn't believe that because of false narratives at the time.

 @9GNF6NF from California  agreed…1yr1Y

I really loved to see Donald in the office. People hated him because they thought he was a terrible person but they take everything the wrong way. Donald cared about the economy and kept peace with all countries around us.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  disagreed…1yr1Y

 @9GXH36WTaxpayers from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

Ill loved to see Donald in the office. People hated him but Donald cared about the economy and kept peace with all countries around us.

 @9GRXS39Republican from Texas  agreed…1yr1Y

I liked how Trump created more job opportunties for people and how he handled the situations in the Whitehouse. People hated him because he spoke the truth and did the right thing .

 @9HVRT9Z from Colorado  disagreed…1yr1Y

 @9GN8JS2 from New York  disagreed…1yr1Y

You shouldn't vote for Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential election. Trump is selfish and racist. He only made laws that were beneficial for himself.

 @9GMGYPR from Colorado  agreed…1yr1Y

People took what Trump said and twisted his words within the media. He wanted what was best for our country so much so that he denied being paid for his presidency.

 @9JB63QL from Alabama  disagreed…1yr1Y

People hated him because they thought he was a terrible person

And for plenty of other reasons, but seriously, you can't have someone that likes little kids be the head of a country. It's a miracle we weren't nuked.

 @9GMZLHM from Oklahoma  agreed…1yr1Y

I agree, he cared about making the United States sustainable on their own by using our on resources in America and using creating jobs on our own land. He cared about all levels of wealth in the United States. He didn’t care to make money off our own people, he’s a business man who knows how to make America “Great” again, with taxes people insane amount of money to fill his pockets.

  @9JGLTNQDemocrat from Missouri  commented…1yr1Y

My question to you is when was America Great? Ask yourself from an African American experience...When was it ever great in America for the African American? When was it great? So if you are making it great again it's not including them.

  @Renaldo-MoonGreen  from Pennsylvania  agreed…5mos5MO

When has America been great for anyone other than rich able bodied cis hetero white men?

 @wherestandpeacefrom California  commented…8mos8MO

 @9GMJD9R from Nevada  agreed…1yr1Y

I really loved to see Donald in the office. People hated him because they thought he was a terrible person but they take everything the wrong way. Donald cared about the economy and kept peace with all countries around us.

 @9M49ZGJ from California  disagreed…10mos10MO

People hated him because they thought he was a terrible person

do you watch the news

 @9GRRWX3Women’s Equality from South Carolina  disagreed…1yr1Y

Even though he is a horrible person, he did what was good for the economy. Inflation shouldn't be that high neither should taxes. Our country debt is beyond normal.

 @9GP55HS from Illinois  agreed…1yr1Y

really loved to see Donald in the office. People hated him because they thought he was a terrible person but they take everything the wrong way. Donald cared about the economy and kept peace with all countries around us.

 @9W8XHRLLibertarian from Florida  commented…5mos5MO

How do you take sending a violent mob to overthrow an election "the wrong way"? How do you take a jury finding that you committed sexual assault (and not rape only on the technicality that she couldn't say for sure if it was your thumb or weird shaped penis as required to fit the legal definition) "the wrong way"? How do you take personally admitting to sexual assault "the wrong way"? How do you take supporting authoritarian dictators that are actively opposing our country and interfering with our elections "the wrong way"? How do you take associat…  Read more

 @9GMJD7R from Nevada  disagreed…1yr1Y

I really loved to see Donald in the office. People hated him because they thought he was a terrible person but they take everything the wrong way. Donald cared about the economy and kept peace with all countries around us. your twitter account doesn't tell you how your gonna do with foreign policy.

 @9L4DTKN from Texas  commented…12mos12MO

Donald was openly racist and empowered more people to show their racism. He was horrible for foreign relations. He did not keep the peace nationally or globally.

He stooped ALOT of imports that pissed off China.

He was great for the economy. If he had a better publicist and foreign relations team, i would vote for him.


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