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Should the U.S. continue to support Israel?


 @9GHW2PZ  from Utah  agreed…1yr1Y

Top Agreement

Because of the international consensus from UN resolutions, and Geneva Conventions, Israel continues to commit crimes against humanity, and the US should use its influence to hold them accountable, not to subsidize the ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Palestinian people.

 @9GJ5NG9Republican from Washington  disagreed…1yr1Y

Name a single instance in which Israeli defense forces have committed a war crime as a matter of policy. Contrast this with the campaign of terror perpetrated by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and other Palestinian or islamist militias against the Israeli civilian population. The Arab residents of Gaza and the West Bank are solely responsible for their suffering because they continue to support aggressive anti-Israel groups groups perfectly willing to use them as human shields. For example, Gaza elected Hamas by an 80% margin in 2007, its hard to be sympathetic to a people cheering the extermination of Israel when Israel retaliates to attacks on its population. The US should do more to help Israel combat terrorism in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria.

 @Ind3p3ndentBruce from Oregon  commented…1yr1Y

Yesterday Israel killed the family of an Al Jazeera reporter.