The Supreme Court in Texas v. Johnson (1989) actually upheld that flag desecration is protected by the First Amendment, stating that the government couldn't prohibit this expression simply because it disagrees with the message it conveys.
Consider the civil rights movement or the Vietnam War protests; the act of flag burning was used to express deep dissatisfaction with government actions. An argument could be made that it is an American principle to question and challenge our government when it's believed to be in the wrong. So one might say, those who burn the flag in protest are expressing a very American sentiment
@9G9GJY2 1yr1Y
Why would any one want to burn a flag! It symbolizes America as a whole. Angry at someone, burn their picture. Angry at a organization or country, burn their logo. Unless you are truly unhappy with America and want to see it burn (then you are not an American) then you should not burn a flag. Let them go to jail for a couple of weeks to reconsider moving to another country because they are NOT wanted here. I support FREE speech, but not HATE SPEECH against America.
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
A flag is literally the "logo" of a country, so clearly you already understand why someone would reasonably burn a flag...
Do not reduce the flag to a mere “logo”. The soldiers that dies for it, the emigrants uprooting their life for it, and its the perfect country in most of the world’s eyes. A flags represents and is a central part of the American identity and culture.
Veterans might see the flag as a symbol of the freedom and rights they fought for - including the right to protest and dissent.
@VulcanMan6 1yr1Y
I can assure you that most of the world does NOT see the US as a perfect country, nor even a mediocre country. We are objectively worse off than most other developed nations.
To be fair, not many people here see America as perfect either.
Burning a flag is the proper method to retire a flag.
Burning something, in other contexts, is symbolic speech against the subject depicted. Burning a flag is symbolic speech against a country or regime thereof. Burning a Quran is symbolic speech against Islam. Burning an effigy is symbolic speech, condemning the person depicted as a tyrant.
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