Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @9G9GJY2  from Pennsylvania  commented…1yr1Y

Why would any one want to burn a flag! It symbolizes America as a whole. Angry at someone, burn their picture. Angry at a organization or country, burn their logo. Unless you are truly unhappy with America and want to see it burn (then you are not an American) then you should not burn a flag. Let them go to jail for a couple of weeks to reconsider moving to another country because they are NOT wanted here. I support FREE speech, but not HATE SPEECH against America.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  commented…1yr1Y

A flag is literally the "logo" of a country, so clearly you already understand why someone would reasonably burn a flag...

 @9G9GJY2 from Pennsylvania  disagreed…1yr1Y

Do not reduce the flag to a mere “logo”. The soldiers that dies for it, the emigrants uprooting their life for it, and its the perfect country in most of the world’s eyes. A flags represents and is a central part of the American identity and culture.

 @CatEverlyPatriot from Pennsylvania  disagreed…1yr1Y

Veterans might see the flag as a symbol of the freedom and rights they fought for - including the right to protest and dissent.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas  disagreed…1yr1Y

I can assure you that most of the world does NOT see the US as a perfect country, nor even a mediocre country. We are objectively worse off than most other developed nations.

 @9TYJFHK from Illinois  disagreed…3mos3MO

Burning a flag is the proper method to retire a flag.

Burning something, in other contexts, is symbolic speech against the subject depicted. Burning a flag is symbolic speech against a country or regime thereof. Burning a Quran is symbolic speech against Islam. Burning an effigy is symbolic speech, condemning the person depicted as a tyrant.

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