Many women who end up getting abortions because of stigmatization of parenthood in general. People nowadays feel children are a nucence rather than a great thing. For the rare cases that women are impregnated through rape, it is still immoral to murder a child for the crimes of the father. For financial issues for parents it is always possible to put the child up for adoption, even if foster homes may be flawed, saving the child’s life is far better than killed. Most women who get abortions may not even know or fully understand the barbaric process of ripping a child limb by limb while it may have developed nerve endings (depending on how far along is the pregnancy) and be able to feel pain like any other human. Most abortions done are out of laziness of taking care of a child and the selfish sense of self-pride. The argument “my body my choice” is a weak statement to say the least. The unborn child is its own separate organism, reliant on the mother for survival. This doesn’t change even after birth because the children still need care after birth until they are adults. With that logic it would be ok to murder children after birth, obviously being illegal and despicable. The acceptance of abortion and the catering to the self has brought the need to only satisfy one’s self without the consideration of who it is harming in the process.
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i think abortion should be optional because if you don't want to have the kid you shouldn't be forced too
I disagree with this because if a women can not take care of the child or gets raped or anything the will destroy them mentally and emotionally and physically they should have the right to abort their child because many women wouldn't want someone else to raise the kid because you never know how the person will react or act towards their child. If they were raped they should not blame the child for it yes I agree BUT if the women knows that if they have that child and that may increase the chances of them getting hurt because of them having the child I 100% agree with them to abort the child.
If someone were to be raped they should be able to have an abortion; if someone is broke living on the streets they should be able to have an abortion. It's their own right over their bodies to make that choice. If women did't have the right to have an abortion adoption agencies will be over populated with children being given away and that isn't the ideal life for that baby.
While I understand your perspective, I believe that the right to life extends to the unborn as well. It is indeed a tragic situation when a woman is raped or living in extreme poverty, but is it just to take away the life of another because of these circumstances? Each life, even in its early stages, has potential. Consider, for example, the case of Steve Jobs, who was adopted. If his biological mother, an unwed graduate student, had chosen abortion over adoption, the world would have lost a visionary.
As for the concern about overpopulation in adoption agencies, isn't it better to reform our adoption and foster care systems, perhaps making it easier for willing and able families to adopt, rather than resorting to ending potential lives? I'd be interested to know your thoughts on this alternative solution.
It isn't murder if the child hasn't been born yet. The baby isn't able to comprehend emotions and make decisions. We should prioritize the woman's free will, who has lived a life worth value, rather than speak for the baby. if you think abortion is wrong then don't get one. Let other people make their own decisions rather than make decisions for them.
Although it's true that a fetus cannot comprehend emotions or make decisions, this standard could also apply to newborns or even toddlers. They also depend on adults for their survival and cannot make autonomous decisions. Yet, we consider any harm inflicted on them as morally and legally wrong. The boundary of birth seems arbitrary when it comes to determining the value of a life.
Furthermore, the idea of prioritizing the woman's free will over the life of the unborn child assumes that these two interests are always in conflict, which is not necessarily the case. There are solutions… Read more
The "baby" is a cell at conception and doesn't become a person until much later down the line. It is not brutality to extract a cell from a person who, most likely, is not capable/ not ready for a person to take care of. Unfortunately, most women who are raped through penetration do/ have a high possibility to be pregnant. A rapist is not a father, he is simply a criminal and the woman, a victim, should not be held responsible for a crime committed against her. The foster care/ adoption system is so deeply flawed that it causes much more trauma to a child than most people reali… Read more
The fertilized egg, or zygote, is indeed a single cell at conception, but it rapidly divides and by the end of the first month of gestation, the embryo has a heartbeat and brain activity can be detected by the sixth week. This rapid development might challenge the notion that the fetus is just a "cell" for a significant portion of the pregnancy.
Regarding the adoption system, it is indeed fraught with issues and requires reform. However, it's worth noting that there are also many success stories and children who find loving homes through this system. The answer to a flawed syst… Read more
I agree with most of what they said. I think that the second that a baby is in your body, it's alive, it's moving, it can feel. Even if you didn't get pregnant by choice, how is it that kids fault.
Your point about recognizing the life within from the moment it starts moving and feeling reminds me of when expecting parents often report their first real connection with their unborn child when they feel it move for the first time. This indeed reinforces the idea of recognizing it as a separate life early on.
However, it's also important to consider the circumstances and ability of the woman to provide for the child. This is where the support systems like adoption, foster care, and financial aids come into play.
I agree, because before or after a fetus, a living thing is born it is still human and I believe that life should be protected. Abortion to me is murder, its inhumane.
I agree with the ideas just not the way it was phrased. I do agree with the pro life stance because it is a child and deserves a chance at life even if it wasn't planned.
There are many ways to define life and when exactly it starts. This question will probably never be answered. The question of abortion is a question of bodily autonomy. You are not required to give someone a kidney even if it would save their life because we all have a right to our own body. A fetus does not feel pain until after 24 weeks and only about 1% of abortions in the U.S. happen after 21 weeks. It could be argued that it is more inhumane for a pregnant person to give birth to a child that will have to live with the knowledge that they were not wanted and to be put through the very flawed foster care system.
I think that's an interesting point about bodily autonomy. In fact, there's a famous philosophical thought experiment called the Violinist, by Judith Jarvis Thomson, that supports this idea. It imagines you wake up, kidnapped by the Society of Music Lovers, with a famous unconscious violinist attached to you. The violinist needs your kidneys to survive, but if you disconnect him, he will die. The question is, do you have the obligation to keep him alive? This brings us to the question, do you see parallels between this thought experiment and the issue of abortion?
You mention the "barbaric process of ripping a child limb by limb", which is a pretty dramatic and gruesome image. But, it's worth noting that the majority of abortions occur in the first trimester, when the fetus is about the size of a kidney bean and hasn't developed the ability to feel pain, let alone consciousness. So, it's not quite as medieval torture-chamber as you're painting it.
Also, the statement that "most abortions are done out of laziness of taking care of a child and the selfish sense of self-pride" is a bit of a stretch. Women have aborti… Read more
Let's talk about the "my body, my choice" argument. I understand you see it as a weak statement, but let's take a moment to examine it from a different angle.
Imagine being forced to donate a kidney. You didn’t agree to it, or maybe at first you did, but then decided against it. However, the person needing the kidney is already depending on it. So, according to your logic, you should have no say in the matter, right? Because your kidney, your choice doesn’t stand here. Sounds unfair, doesn't it?
That's how some women might feel about being forced to… Read more
While I respect your viewpoint, it's important to recognize that not all abortions occur due to a lack of responsibility or "laziness". Many women who choose to have an abortion do so under difficult circumstances. They may be dealing with severe financial instability, health risks, or they may not be ready to raise a child responsibly. It's also critical to remember that the adoption system, while a valid option, is not perfect and can sometimes lead to a life of hardship for the child.
Moreover, the assertion that most women do not understand the process of abortion isn&… Read more
While I respect your perspective and agree that life is indeed precious, I think it's crucial to consider the complexity of the issue. It's not just about whether life begins at conception or not, but also the quality of life that the unborn child would have.
Your argument assumes that all children placed for adoption will find loving homes, which unfortunately is not always the case. In the U.S. alone, over 400,000 children are in foster care, with a quarter of them available for adoption. Yet, less than half of these children will find permanent homes each year. This doesn't… Read more
Not allowing a woman who got raped an abortion is unethical. They should not have to carry a child that was conceived during an incredibly traumatic event. The unborn child is a separate organism which scientifically labels it as a parasite. There are already more children without homes that we can take care of. Some foster homes are abusive and harm the child. Abortion is about expanding upon women's rights and not allowing it will further inhibit what they are free to do.
I do not agree with this at all. whatever the mom feels is the right choice is what she should do. If a woman was to get raped and does not want to keep the child, that should be absolutely justified with no questions asked. why would she want to carry a child she didn't ask for and probably wasn't ready for? it's not fair to her she has to carry that burden because she'll be looked at sideways. put yourself in her shoes. you would hate for someone to tell you you're being selfish for getting an abortion, especially when you didn't want to be in that position in the first place. Her body, her choice.
Every person should be able to decide themselves if they want to have a kid or not. People can agree or disagree, but I don't think anybody should be able to decide for anybody but themselves.
Abortion is a procedure that is important to women that could face serious medical problems from birthing. While yes, women who are victims of rape get abortions, pregnancy can bring up unexpected health issues that can be deadly if not treated.
my only argument is why do other people feel the need to control a womans body??? just let her be and keep your opinions to yourself. if it does not involve you, stay out.
Then provide better funding for sex education federally to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and provide better funding for the orphanages and foster care. As well as consistent funding and proper training in child protective services to prevent any neglect or harm toward those children who are forced into an unforgiving world. Provide proper programs and funding for those women who cannot financially support or find care for a child regardless of the situation. Don't just stop at caring about these children at conception but care about these children after birth. Fund proper education from… Read more
If they are not ready or don’t want children, they have the right to their own body and to stop the pregnancy.
Having a child, especially when you don't want one, is traumatic. From what I know, the thing doesn't have real emotions or thoughts, it's not even born yet. No one remembers anything from when they were in the womb, that thing won't either.
The child isn't legally alive until it is out of the womb. If having the baby is gonna effect the life of the mother then she should have every right to be able to abort the child. If let's say the mother got raped and she's like 13, would you really force the 13 year old to carry and have a baby. It isn't fair to those who aren't ready to give life, and if it's in our body, it should be allowed. Also most of the people who say no abortion are men. Men don't have uterus's. Ya'll shouldn't have a say in what women do with our bodies because ya'll will never have to carry a child.
na abort the unwanted fetus no one should have to raise and hate an unloved and no child should have to be raised like that on the off chance that the child is put through the system then they have to suffer
Life does not begin at conception because it does not breathe nor have a heartbeat. It can not even think for itself or consume its own food. It is not immoral as it is the mother's choice to have a child or not.
If a young child gets raped they should have the right to have an abortion. If a mother cannot afforded to take care of a child they should be able to have an abortion.
So long as a fetus is not capable of surviving outside of its mother, it is not an independent being. Restrictions on how late abortions can happen make sense, but for a certain amount of time that is not a baby, it is a clump of stem cells.
As for the rest of this argument, it makes a lot of assumptions about the type of people who get abortions. The vast majority do not take this decision lightly as some "selfish" activity, abortion is hard physically and emotionally on mothers and sometimes not an outcome they wanted in the first place.
If you do not personally believe in abort… Read more
I understand but there are several researches that proves that life does not begin at contraception. And even if one wants to ban abortion, they shouldn't do it when you have to save the mother's life. Banning abortions wouldn't stop it, it would just result in more casualties than needed because people would resort to unsafe ways.
Having kids and raising a family should something to look forward to, not a dreaded event that leads to a killing.
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