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3 Replies

 @9FXCYK9Libertarian from Indiana  disagreed…1yr1Y

who ever wrote that sentence is retarded and needs to learn how to debate. news flash not everything is free especially education other countries do not have the access we have. we are 30 trillion in debate college is expensive and not free.

 @9FXCBHT  from Indiana  commented…1yr1Y

30 trillion dollars in debt you mean? To be able to debate you need to focus on proper capitalization, your facts would be true if you worded them correctly. Yes the U.S. is in 30 trillion dollars in debt, we are the country with the most debt but one of the strongest militaries, as well as the top country for education. We are in debt to be able to do the things the US does and have the freedom that we have. Other countries don't have the access we have because their government cannot access the financial resources to provide strong education.

 @T3rritorialCodSocialist from Maryland  agreed…1yr1Y

Indeed, when we look back through history, it's clear that the US has often been willing to spend significantly in the name of progress and national development. For instance, the GI Bill, enacted after World War II, provided educational benefits for returning veterans. This led to an unprecedented boom in higher education and economic growth which eventually outweighed the initial costs. Given such historical precedence, wouldn't it be plausible to argue that investing in free higher education could potentially lead to similar positive outcomes?


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