Try the political quiz

2 Replies

 @9FMLF6T from South Carolina commented…9mos9MO

Killing babies is also the concern of everyone without a uterus!

In a court case against the Center for Medical Progress, a Planned Parenthood official admitted to harvesting aborted fetal parts for the purpose of selling them to human tissue procurement companies.

Abortion doctor admits they sold baby parts often came from babies born alive.

Kamala Harris received huge campaign donations from the abortion industry in the past, including more than $81,000 from Planned Parenthood and other abortion advocacy groups.

The federal gov't needs to stay out of the abortion 'industry'. Health Depts. base your fees on your income. : )

Do you know the history of planned parenthood?

 @9FMND2S from Washington commented…9mos9MO

Hello! I saw your response and I don't know if you can post links here, but is there any chance you could send that court case? Or where you heard the news from, what article or what source? Of doctors selling baby parts from babies born alive, that is. As well as who the official was and who the unnamed abortion doctor is. Maybe it was fetal parts for the purpose of stem cell development misconstrued? On the topic of donations, don't many politicians receive money from corporations and advocacy groups? Lobbying and interest groups are a common problem in our current government, and…  Read more

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