Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @EqualityGeorgeRepublicanfrom Ohio  disagreed…1yr1Y

What about the potential psychological and emotional implications for the child raised in a less traditional family dynamic? Some research suggests that children fare best when raised by a mother and a father who can impart different set of skills and perspectives. What are your thoughts on the potential impact on a child's development in a non-traditional family setting? How might society ensure these children receive all necessary emotional and psychological support?

 @9RPTZPQLibertarian from Nebraska  disagreed…7mos7MO

I grew up without a father figure present in the house hold. The most important dynamic in a family is the loving aspect. If you have a healthy relationship you should be able to adopt. Period.

 @9G6K9CF from Virginia  commented…5mos5MO

Engaged LGBT Adoption Rights

I agree. I’ve been friends with multiple people (both men and women) throughout my life who grew up with two moms. They all turned out just fine and few I would consider quite admirable.

 @9RF582Q from Wisconsin  commented…7mos7MO

Those implications are projected by adults. Treat that issue, and you'd solve the problem.


This is a pretty good question actually. Perhaps more research on this subject over the next ten years may prove beneficial.

 @TheHillbillyLordRepublican from Maryland  commented…1mo1MO

Gay people should only be allowed to adopt a child if no other straight couple wants them. If both a gay couple and straight couple wants to adopt a child, unless if the straight couple has domestic violence in their household, the straight couple should always get the child.

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