Should gay couples have the same adoption rights as straight couples?
I am a Christian and firmly believe that God intentionally designed the family dynamic to establish…
It's all hands on deck as far as I'm concerned.
We should support a "village raising" atmosphere instead of putting down couples or families for what they can't provide. We should openly support all family dynamics and seek up raise them up and make sure the children get what they need. Instead of trying to condemn those who wish to help and want to have a family. I believe in the American right to freedom and pursuit of happiness. If a family would make them happy , who are we to tell them they don't have that right? Instead we should adress and support anything we notice the child is lacking in their support system and foster a view of love like God desires.
What about the potential psychological and emotional implications for the child raised in a less traditional family dynamic? Some research suggests that children fare best when raised by a mother and a father who can impart different set of skills and perspectives. What are your thoughts on the potential impact on a child's development in a non-traditional family setting? How might society ensure these children receive all necessary emotional and psychological support?
I grew up without a father figure present in the house hold. The most important dynamic in a family is the loving aspect. If you have a healthy relationship you should be able to adopt. Period.
I agree. I’ve been friends with multiple people (both men and women) throughout my life who grew up with two moms. They all turned out just fine and few I would consider quite admirable.
Those implications are projected by adults. Treat that issue, and you'd solve the problem.
This is a pretty good question actually. Perhaps more research on this subject over the next ten years may prove beneficial.
Gay people should only be allowed to adopt a child if no other straight couple wants them. If both a gay couple and straight couple wants to adopt a child, unless if the straight couple has domestic violence in their household, the straight couple should always get the child.
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