Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @9F99VD6from Guam  disagreed…1yr1Y

I'm not going to waste our time finding data and statistics. Torture is right. That's all the context needed

 @8GSYNK9  from Minnesota  disagreed…1yr1Y

We should be spending time to find information on terrorist groups from captured terrorists. Torture is right in some context.

 @9TYJFHK from Illinois  disagreed…5mos5MO

Torture doesn't bring you the truth. It brings you what your victim thinks you want to hear, a truthy lie.

 @9F9R8Q6 from Washington  disagreed…1yr1Y

Sometimes the amount of time you have isn't enough to work around the gruesome and cruel options. Only war can provide peace.

 @9F9KGZW from Alabama  disagreed…1yr1Y

Would torture be wrong if it was towards the man who murdered your wife? If you say yes, then you have morals. However, if you say no, then you must retract your previous statement.

 @9TYJFHK from Illinois  commented…5mos5MO

I'm not who you replied to, but here's my answer:

I am of the firm belief that interrogative torture can never be acceptable. It violates due process, it violates human rights, and it isn't an effective method to gain anything but unreliable "confessions".

Punitive torture is a different animal. I can see how come crimes could warrant it, or how it could be an alternative to lengthy prison sentences. However, it must in accordance with sentencing by a court or tribunal, not a vigilante's whim.

In any case where the death penalty is to be used (assuming that such could be acceptable), it must be as painless and dignified as we can make it - it must be a firing squad. If either is to be justified, torture and killing must never mix.

 @9F9TCS2 from Minnesota  disagreed…1yr1Y

torture is a valid and use abele method for gathering intel especially if that person is the only score they are going to do it anyway and so will are enemies


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